Weekly Brief, 16 September 2019

Hub updates

We are pleased to announce three new ELIXIR Communities:

  • 3D-BioInfo
  • Intrinsically Disordered Proteins
  • Microbial Biotechnology

Please read our latest news release to find out more about the aims of these Communities and who is involved.

Our next webinar is to be held this Wednesday 18 September 15:00 CEST presenting the outcomes of the ELIXIR Implementation Study Increasing Interoperability between ELIXIR Protein Structure and Sequence Resources. Watch to find out about their approach to developing and deploying a collaborative pipeline according to best practices.

The deadline for applications for the hub position ELIXIR Human Data Scientific Officer is this Wednesday 18 September. Please circulate among your colleagues.

Updates from Platforms

The Pistoia Alliance FAIR/Ontologies Mapping (OM) project 'Communities of Interest' opens the first of its monthly webinar series with Progress towards commercial FAIR data product and services by Ted Slater this coming Thursday 19th September 2019 15:00 - 16:00 BST, join the meeting here.

Abstract: Elsevier is a global information analytics business that helps institutions and professionals advance healthcare and open science to improve performance for the benefit of humanity. In this webinar, we will discuss how Elsevier is increasingly leveraging the FAIR Guiding Principles to improve its products and services to better serve the scientific community. Ted is one of the authors on the seminal 2016 FAIR guiding principles paper. He has worked extensively within pharma R & D and more recently for providers of data analytics.


Fotis Psomopoulos (ELIXIR-GR) has been selected to be an Research Data Alliance (RDA) Europe Ambassador for Bioinformatics. Part of his activities in this role will be to act as the formal RDA liaison for the ELIXIR Training Platform, with an additional focus on early career researchers at the intersection of Life Sciences and RDA.

Updates from Nodes

ELIXIR Finland have recently published a new user case study on Targeted treatment for venous diseases with vascular system modelling, which details a collaboration with academics in Belgium as well as a Finnish start up microfluidics company, FinnAdvance.

The National University of Ireland (NUI) Galway have been awarded 13 million for a new centre for Graduate Research Training in Genomics data science. The funding was awarded from the Science Foundation Ireland to train 115 PhD students over the next seven years. The centre is led by Prof. Cathal Seoighe, who is ELIXIRs Training Coordinator for Ireland.

Job board

Upcoming events

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.

ELIXIR events

ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum: Distributed data analysis - the {health} data train
10 - 11 October 2019 | Utrecht, Netherlands

Data management plan
31 October - 1 November 2019 | Lausanne, Switzerland

Best practices in programming
5 - 6 November 2019 | Basel, Switzerland