Hub Updates
The ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum is taking place today and tomorrow in Frankfurt, Germany. The event will discuss data driven innovation in industrial biotechnology and present relevant resources available through ELIXIR and ELIXIR Germany.
Updates from Platforms
Read our news story about the Advanced Bioinformatics Workshop organised by the ELIXIR Training Platform as part of the Summer School on Research Data Science held in Trieste, Italy, in August 2018.
Updates from Communities
ELIXIR is organising 2nd ELIXIR GDPR Workshop on 10 December 2018 in Brussels, Belgium. The workshop will discuss the challenges of the GDPR for ELIXIR Nodes and identify the needs for tools and solutions, based on the example of a few use cases (e.g. ELIXIR Beacon, Federated EGA, Compute clouds).
Updates from Nodes
ELIXIR Greece is organising ISCB affiliated conference Hellenic Bioinformatics (H.bioinfo) in Thessaloniki on 15-18 November 2018.
Still free seats available for the course "Protein Bioinformatics: Sequence - Structure - Function, in Basel, on 14-16 November 2018. Participants will be introduced to primarily web-based tools, designed for life scientists without substantial computational training, for integration and inference of protein structure and function data.
Booking now open for the course Bioinformatics for Biologists: An introduction to programming, analysis, and reproducibility in Cambridge, United Kingdom, 3-7 December 2018. Focusing on solutions around handling biological data, we will cover introductory lessons in R, version control, statistical analyses, data management and reproducibility.
Job board
The Centre for Molecular and Biomolecular Informatics (CMBI) is currently looking for an Assistant Professor of Bioinformatics for Personalized Medicine at Radboudumc in Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
CNAG-CRG (part of ELIXIR Spain) is looking for Communications and data helpdesk coordinator to join the Solve-RD H2020 project.
ELIXIR France (IFB) is looking to hire a candidate to work on Bioinformatics resource interoperability development.
ELIXIR Sweden is looking for one or two system developers with operational responsibility, based at Uppsala University.
ELIXIR is offering an internship position relating to Beacon. The candidate will support the ELIXIR Beacon implementation study and the Beacon activities driven by the Human Genomics and Translational Data Services at the ELIXIR Hub.
The SIB Text Mining group in Geneva (part of ELIXIR Switzerland) is looking for three associate researchers.
The Galaxy team at the University of Freiburg (part of ELIXIR Germany) is looking for a full time JavaScript developer to support the development of the Galaxy Europe instance.
Upcoming events
The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.
ELIXIR events
ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum on Industrial Biotechnology
19 October | Basel, Switzerland
12-13 November 2018 | Ljubljana, Slovenia
ELIXIR Board meeting
11 December 2018 | Brussels, Belgium
ELIXIR 5th Anniversary Event
12 December | Brussels, Belgium
HoN meeting