Weekly Brief, 14 March 2022

This week's highlights

ELIXIR Webinar: Enabling a Data Ecosystem at the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

ELIXIR is honoured to welcome two distinguished speakers from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) as part of its webinar series.

Together, they will present: Enabling a Data Ecosystem at the National Institutes of Health.

Find out more and register

Opportunity to join the BioHackathon 2022 Programme Committee

Volunteers are invited to join the BioHackathon 2022 Programme Committee. The committee reviews submitted projects and plans event content. Meetings are monthly, starting around 25 March. Express your interest using the link below or email the BH2022 team with any questions.

Express your interest

Request for updates to What we are Doing page in COVID-19 section of ELIXIR website

Please review the text version of the webpage showing what Nodes are doing in response to COVID-19 and add any updates to this document.

Recommended reads

Computational models in personalized medicine - guidelines & recommendations


Computational modelling approaches play a key role in the analysis of the underlying molecular processes and pathways that characterize human biology. They also lead to a more profound understanding of the mechanisms and factors that drive diseases, enabling personalized treatment strategies that are guided by central clinical questions. Here, we discuss the most relevant computational models for personalized medicine as best-practice guidelines for application in clinical care. We define specific challenges and provide guidelines and recommendations for study design, data acquisition and operation as well as for model validation and clinical translation and other research areas.

Read more

MetaCOXI: a collection of metazoan mitochondrial COXI DNA sequences

An ELIXIR-IT paper

The wide use of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit-I (COXI) as a standard DNA barcode marker in metazoan biodiversity studies highlights the need for the integration of data from different sources. Here, we present MetaCOXI, an integrated collection of curated metazoan COXI DNA sequences with their associated harmonized taxonomy and metadata. The current release contains more than 5.6 million entries, their related taxonomic classification based on NCBI reference taxonomy, and their available main metadata relevant to environmental DNA studies, such as geographical coordinates, sampling country and host species.

Read more

Updates from Nodes

Finnish research team sequence genomes of thousands of individuals with diabetes to identify genetic risk factors

FinnDiane, established in 1997, is a follow-up study of almost 8,000 individuals with type 1 diabetes and is one of the worlds first to sequence the entire genome on this scale for a specific disease.

Find out more

Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences joins Research Data Netherlands

Research Data Netherlands welcomes the Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences (DTL). The partnership allows a joint approach to training, long-term preservation and FAIR-based data stewardship.

Find out more

ELIXIR Recommended Interoperability Resource BridgeDb awarded NWO Open Science grant

BridgeDb is a framework to map identifiers between various biological databases. The new grant widens the project scope to include new data sources, preparing the ground for wide adoption in the European Open Science Cloud.

View the project proposal

Join the next Data Stewards Interest Group meeting

March 17 |13:45-15:30 CET

All are welcome to the next meeting, featuring speakers Nawel Lalout (on the Duchenne Data Platform) and Jet Zoon (on plans for data stewardship info snippets).

View the agenda and register

Updates from Platforms

ELIXIR-CONVERGE - Join the training community kick-off meeting in data management and data stewardship

24 March 2022 | 12:00-14:00 CET

Registration is now open for the online training community kick-off event in data management and data stewardship organised by ELIXIR CONVERGE-WP2. This is your opportunity to build a DM/DS Training community!


Join the next ELIXIR AAI engagement call

30 March | 10:00-11:00 CET

Plans for ELIXIR AAI user and service migration to Life Science AAI will be presented, along with time for discussion.

Find out more and register

Updates from other initiatives

FAIRopoly launched on the EJP RD website

FAIRopoly illustrates the FAIRification steps necessary to make registry data more findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable. The player starts the game on the top left corner of the board and moves around clockwise one tile at a time.

Explore the game

Upcoming ELIXIR events & webinars

ELIXIR Training Courses & Webinars

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes. For more, visit TeSS portal

ELIXIR webinar: Data science at the NIH
24 March 2022 |15:00 CET

Training community kick-off: data management and data stewardship
24 March 2022 | 12:00-14:00 CET

Applied statistics: data analysis in practice

5-6 April 2022 | Lausanne, Switzerland

First steps with R
5-7 April 2022 (half days) | Virtual | Limited spaces

Galaxy introduction for life scientists

27 April 2022 | Lausanne, Switzerland

Metabolomics and integrative omics: from data production to analysis
28-29 April 2022 | Bari, Italy

Nordic train-the-trainer course

10-13 May 2022 (half days)| Virtual | Deadline to apply: 3 April

Summer school on genetic epidemiology

29 June - 2 July 2022 | Davos, Switzerland

ELIXIR Events and Conferences

Training Platform meeting

16-18 March 2022 | Hybrid - Brussels, Belgium

Data access, movement and management workshop

31 March 2022 | Remote | 09.30 - 12.30 CET

Tools Platform meeting

4-6 April 2022 | Hybrid - Brussels, Belgium

FAIRplus Innovation and SME forum 2022
17 May 2022 | Hybrid - Berlin, Germany

ELIXIR All Hands meeting 2022

7-10 June 2022 | Amsterdam, Netherlands
BioHackathon Europe

7-11 November 2022 | Paris, France

Job vacancies

All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website (also including those from industry). If you need our help communicating your new open positions, you can submit a job advertisement and it will automatically appear on our newsletters. Go to our vacancy page to submit a job

ELIXIR Administrative Assistant


Senior Administrative Officer: Governance and Events


Scientific Coordinator / Knowledge Graph Engineer

SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics