Weekly Brief, 13 July 2020

What you may have missed this June

You may have missed some of the excellent webinars and workshops this past June, but we've got you covered. Here is what you may have missed:

WEBINAR | Large-Scale Cloud Computing in the Life Sciences

As part of the ELIXIR Bioinformatics Industry Forum Series, we had a fruitful and engaging discussion with experts from Google, ETH Zurich and EMBL-EBI
Go to the YouTube Playlist

WEBINAR | Machine Learning using Galaxy

A one-week event to introduce machine learning backgrounds and train researchers in the use of Galaxy for machine learning analysis
Go to the YouTube Playlist

ELIXIR featured in the High-Level Expert Group report

The report assessed the progress of ESFRI, and other research infrastructures, towards implementation and long-term sustainability. The independent expert group, appointed by the European Commission, assessed ELIXIR to be at Readiness Level 5 (on a scale of 6). ELIXIR was noted for its advanced science services and clustering activities, such as the European Open Science Cloud.

The group also formulated recommendations for ELIXIR, which will be taken forward in collaboration with the ELIXIR Board and Heads of Nodes.

Read the report

Do you have any publications on COVID-19?

We are still collecting all efforts from the Nodes against the pandemic. Contact us if you have a new publication, a resource or another COVID-19-related activity that is not listed on our website.

Email Katharina Lauer to submit your updates

Tip of the week

Did you know we have just created an ELIXIR Communications Focus Group?
We are calling all experts responsible for communications at ELIXIR Nodes. Join us to share strategies, doubts, concerns and best practices.
Get in touch with us, if you want to join

Updates from Nodes

ELIXIR NL | Maastricht University participates in a new nanosafety project

Launched in April, the project Sbd4Nano aims to translate safe-by-design approaches for European industries engineering nanomaterials. It was partly developed by earlier projects involved in the future ELIXIR Toxicology Community

Follow the project updates on Twitter
Go to the project website for more information

ELIXIR Spain upgrades 3D Bionotes COVID-19 edition

After a couple of months since the first release, the dedicated website for collecting SARS-CoV-2 structural data offers new features with a recent upgrade:

  • Interactive, hyperrealistic infographic of the virus as a map index
  • Added computational models from SwissModel, AlphaFold & BSM-Arc, especially useful for those proteins with missing experimental models
  • New Ligand interactions section including results from experimental and computational drug screening and repurposing
  • New filters for Ligand interactions enabling selection by experiment and interaction pocket

Go to this ELIXIR Recommended Interoperability Resource

Updates from Platforms

CINECA becomes new content provider to TeSS

The Training eSupport System (TeSS) acquires new content provider CINECA.

What is the CINECA Project?

CINECA aims to deliver a federated, internationally interoperable infrastructure for data discovery and sharing of human genetic and phenotypic data. CINECA (Common Infrastructure for National Cohorts in Europe, Canada and Africa) is funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 programme and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
Find out more about CINECA

Registration closing soon for the Bioinformatics Community Conference (BCC2020)

19-21 July 2020 | Online

Co-organised by the Galaxy Project and the Australian Biocommons, the BCC 2020 brings together the Galaxy Community Conference and the Bioinformatics Open Source Conference. During the event, several ELIXIR members will presenter their work.

Registration closes on 15 July 2020.
Go to the registration page

Updates from other initiatives

Updates from the Health-RI Dutch COVID-19 Data Support Programme

A new database for COVID-19 Initiatives

This resource makes it easy to search and filter the initiatives by your research interest. Plus, they have made improvements to facilitate the submission of COVID-19 initiatives.
Go to the database

A guide to data governance in COVID-19 studies (in Dutch)

A useful starter kit for new COVID-19 studies, and other studies, that want to make their data available to other researchers.
Download the kit

COVID-19 research tips

Discover them

Webinar series on FAIR data management in COVID-19 research

The webinars included information about COVID-19 data resources, preregistration, FAIR data management, budget and data management plans. Their aim was to involve data professionals and researchers in making COVID-19 data reusable.
Obtain the materials, slides and recordings Upcoming ELIXIR events & webinars

ELIXIR Training Courses & Webinars

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes. A link off to the TeSS portal

ELIXIR Events and Conferences

19th European Conference on Computational Biology

31 August8 September 2020 | Online

Registration for the virtual ECCB2020 is now open!

EuroScience Open Forum

26 September 2020 | Trieste, Italy and Online

ELIXIR will present 'Open Data InfrastructureA Driver for Innovation Ecosystem' during the Science to business session (Track: Innovation Ecosystems).

ELIXIR BioHakacthon Europe

913 November 2020 | Barcelona, Spain

Registration is now open!

Job vacancies

All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website (also including those from industry). If you need our help communicating your new open positions, you can submit a job advertisement and it will automatically appear on our newsletters. Go to our vacancy page to submit a job

Data Management Usability Officer


Call for postdoctoral researchers within the STARS COFUND

Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS) - part of ELIXIR-ES

Postdoctoral researcher in ML applied to simulations in biomedicine at the Computational Biology Group

Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)

Junior Research Engineer for simulations in biomedicine at the Computational Biology Group

Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)

Postdoc computational modeling kidney transport

Maastricht University