Hub updates
Registration for the ELIXIR All Hands 2018 is now open! You can also submit a poster and a flash talk. The meeting will take place on 4-7 June in Berlin, more information on the ELIXIR website.
The first draft of the ELIXIR 2019-23 Scientific Programme is available online. Any feedback should be sent directly to by the end of February 2018. Your comments will be taken to the Programme Editorial Board for consideration.
Jen Harrow joined the ELIXIR Hub team as the Tools Platform Coordinator, she can be reached at
Melissa Balzano ( is coming back from maternity leave to take up her post of ELIXIR Events Officer. She will work alongside Dana Cernoskova who will stay at the Hub until June 2018. Dana is in charge of all ongoing events (including the ELIXIR All Hands), Melissa will work on all new events taking place after June 2018.
The ELIXIR Webinar last week presented the new EU General Data Protection Regulation and its implication for sharing and exchange of research data. Slides are already available online, recording will be online this week.
HPC-Europa3 (HPCE3) is now accepting applications for funding of 3-13 week research visits to nine European High Performance Computing centres, promoting the use of High Performance Computing and international research collaboration in all fields of science. The deadline is 28 February 2018.
Updates from Platforms
TeSS notifications: Stay informed about courses, workshops and conferences that interest you! You can now use TeSSs new subscription feature. Simply select filters you are interested in and click the subscribe button. You can then choose to receive emails notifications about new events that are relevant to you, or have them automatically added to your preferred calendar application.
ELIXIR-TeSS & TeSS Workflows were presented at a workshop on Best training for implementation of data management, organised under the auspices of the CHARME COST Action in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 6 February 2018. Members of ELIXIR-UK, ELIXIR-SI, ELIXIR-NL and ELIXIR-IT were active workshop participants.
GO FAIR training (GO TRAIN) has kicked off. On 26 January 2018, more than 20 people attended the GO TRAIN kick-off meeting in Leiden, the Netherlands. The meeting was organised jointly by CODATA, DTL/ELIXIR-NL, and GO FAIR. Participants included representatives of CODATA-RDA Data Schools, DANS, DCC, EDISON, ELIXIR, DTL, and Foster.
Save the date: On 5-6 April 2018 there will be a workshop in Amsterdam entitled: Applying bioinformatics and data science competency frameworks to ELIXIR Training. This workshop is part of the Implementation Study on Learning Paths. Registration will open soon.
Updates from Use Cases
Global Alliance for Genomics and Health publishes its Strategic Roadmap - standards and frameworks planned for development under GA4GH Connect a 5 year Strategic Plan aimed at aligning with the key needs of the genomic data community.
Job board
The Faculty of Biology and Chemistry at Justus Liebig University Gieen (part of de.NBI ELIXIR Germany) invites applications for a W1 Professorship (with W2 tenure track) for Algorithmic Bioinformatics. Application is open until 28 February 2018.
ELIXIR Norway is looking for Service Scientist (Researcher) at the Computational Biology Unit, Department of Informatics, University of Bergen.
ELIXIR Hub is looking for Administrative Officer to support the operation of ELIXIRs governance structures and provide support to ELIXIR's internal communications. The deadline to apply is 18 February 2018.
ELIXIR Sweden has several openinigs for bioinformaticians at SciLifeLab in Stockholm. Deadline to apply is 13 February 2018.
Upcoming events
The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.