Weekly Brief, 12 August 2019

Hub updates

The ELIXIR Annual Report for 2018 has been released, documenting the major achievements from the past year. The report also introduces the objectives of the new ELIXIR Scientific Programme (2019-2023) and the expansion of ELIXIR's international collaborations. Please see our news release for a summary.

Updates from Communities

The ELIXIR Rare Diseases Community are generating Rare Diseases Service Bundles which will list a suite of tools, services, training, and people related to a focused use case. Use cases can be for example:

  • "I have ten clinical exomes related to a certain disease; what tools are available to aid my analysis?"
  • "How can I automatically list all of the relevant literature related to my field of interest?"

The contents of the Service Bundle do not have to be associated with ELIXIR. Please see these slides for further information. If you would like to be part of the working group developing these Service Bundles then please contact Gary Saunders (Human Data Coordinator, ELIXIR Hub).

The Galaxy Training Network Day is on 12 September 2019 - a day dedicated to the training community, for collaborative work on content but also calls in the community. Anyone interested in training in Galaxy is welcome to join, and the aim is to host these events every three months. There will be two calls via Google Hangout to accommodate different time zones:

Updates from Nodes

All slides, videos and exercises from the ELIXIR Finland course on Single cell RNA-seq data analysis with R are now available online.

ELIXIR UK are holding their first hackathon in Cambridge, 11 - 13 September 2019. The plan is to work on the integration of various ELIXIR-supported resources Bioschemas, BridgeDb, CATH, CWL, FAIRDOM, FAIRsharing, Galaxy, InterMine, ISA tools, Jalview, PHI-base, Phyre2, Research Objects, SEEK and TeSS.

Job board

All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website vacancies section(also including vacancies from industry). Submit vacancies from your Node or industry partners.

Training Impact Co-ordinator
University of Cambridge

System adminstrator
ELIXIR Norway, University of Bergen

Postdoctoral Research Grant
INESC-ID Elixir Portuguese Node

Life Science Informatics Manager
University of Manchester

Cloud software developer ELIXIR

Upcoming events

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.

ELIXIR events

Finding evidence in research publications
10-11 September 2019 | Hinxton, Cambridge, UK

ELIXIR UK Hackathon
11-13 September 2019 | Cambridge, UK

ELIXIR Food and Nutrition Community workshop
23-24 September 2019 | Haag, Netherlands

ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum: Distributed data analysis - the {health} data train
10 - 11 October 2019 | Utrecht, Netherlands

Differential analysis of quantitative proteomics data using R (introductory)
18 November 2019 | Bochum, Germany

Differential analysis of quantitative proteomics data using R (advanced)
19 November 2018 | Bochum, Germany