Hub updates
All Hands Meeting abstract deadline this Friday
This is a final reminder that the deadline for submission of abstracts for workshops and presentations (including posters, demos, short talks and mini-symposia) for the ELIXIR All Hands 2020 Meeting is this Friday 15 November. This is a hard deadline. The EasyChair submission is here, and full details of the event are here.
We have published a news story on ELIXIR's support for BioContainers. Following on from the 2018 Implementation Study, three new projects are driving the development of containerisation software in the life sciences, with a focus on deployment in cloud environments. These projects bring together seventeen Nodes, and total 1.6 million investment from ELIXIR.
We were very pleased to welcome life science entrepreneurship experts Hannes Rothe and Sirkka Jarvenpaa to the Hub last week. Hannes delivered a talk to people from across the Wellcome Genome Campus on the use of open data and entrepreneurship. For those who couldn't make it read all about it in our news release where you will find the full recording of the talk.
Thank you to everyone who attended the webinar on FAIRification of Genomic Tracks last week, and to the presenter Sveinung Gundersen from ELIXIR Norway. The slides are available online and the video shall be uploaded shortly.
The UK last week published its national roadmap for research infrastructures. The report highlights ELIXIR and the UK Node, and EMBL-EBI.
We are very happy to say that the final ELIXIR-EXCELERATE report was submitted to the Commission on 6 November! Thank you to everyone for the effort to submit such an impressive report - a solid wrap-up to a great project! It is difficult to overstate the impact of ELIXIR-EXCELERATE on the development of ELIXIR and shaping the European data landscape for the life sciences. Or, to quote the final review:
"The work done by all beneficiaries is huge and has a high impact. ELIXIR has become a fully operational infrastructure supporting basic and translational research and helping with global challenges related to human health, food safety, biodiversity, bio economy and more. This wouldnt happen without hard work, strong collaboration, good organization, responsible leadership and mutual trust. Thus, ELIXIR EXCELERATE project represents without doubt a clear success story.
Updates from Platforms
The ELIXIR Training Platform will be hosting a one hour Ask Us Anything" on the 27 November 2019 at 13:00 CET. Members of all Platforms and Communities are welcome to attend, join the discussion by teleconference using this link. If you would like to post a question in advance, please email the Training Platform Coordinator Pascal Kahlem.
The new Training Impact Coordinator, Annalisa Milano, has joined the University of Cambridge to continue working on the ELIXIR Training Impact assessment strategy and tailor it to also measure the impact that training is having on ELIXIR Services, Platforms and Communities. Annalisa previously worked as Data Coordination Biocurator at the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA).
Applications are open for the Open Life Science mentoring and training programme for early stage researchers and potential academic leaders in the life sciences. Course runs January - April 2020 and deadline for applications is 8 December 2019.
Updates from Nodes
Read the The de.NBI / ELIXIR-DE training platform - Bioinformatics training in Germany and across Europe within ELIXIR paper to find out about their activities in bioinformatics training in the ELIXIR F1000 channel.
ELIXIR-NL/DTL are involved in the organisation of the annual Health-RI conference. Next year's Health-RI conference 2020 is planned on January 30, 2020 in the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht, Netherlands. Further details can be found here.
Updates from other Research Infrastructures
We're delighted to share that EuroBioImaging were established as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) by the European Commission last week. ELIXIR works collaboratively with EuroBioImaging have a joint image strategy in place.
Join the RItrain Workshop Building Leadership in European Research Infrastructures via Live stream 20-21 November, starting at 12.45 (CET) on 20 November and finishing at 15.00 on the 21 November - agenda for details. The meeting will share examples and successful outcomes of training programmes specific to RI leaders, and define the future training landscape. Questions can be submitted via Twitter @RItrain_eu.
Job board
All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website vacancies section(also including vacancies from industry). Submit vacancies from your Node or industry partners.
ELIXIR Communications Officer (maternity cover)
Bioinformatician/data scientist for research support and training
University of Luxembourg
Postdoc Protein Structural Biologist
Masaryk University
Software Engineer
Upcoming events
The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.
ELIXIR events
Constraint based modelling - introduction and advanced topics
25 - 29 November 2019 | Leiden, Netherlands
Training Platform "Ask us anything"
27 November 2019 | Teleconference
ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum: Data management in the life sciences - a driver for innovation
27 - 28 November 2019 | Milan, Italy
Modelling and optimisation for bioinformatics and systems biology
9 -13 December 2019 | Wageningen, Netherlands
Disorder in Disorders: Pathogenic mechanisms of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins *early bird closing soon*
27 - 31 January 2020 | Brixen, Italy
Health-RI Annual Conference "Towards data driven health"
30 January 2020 | Utrecht, Netherlands
Computational enzyme design course
2 - 5 February 2020 | Brno, Czech Republic