Last chance to register for ELIXIR All Hands
Deadline this Friday, 14 May
Last week we launched a new website for the event, so please visit to explore the agenda, networking events, FAQs and more. Please note: that you need to be logged into the intranet to register.
Register here and view the new website.
Read the latest ELIXIR news release
In our latest news release we highlight the new Galaxy Europe pipeline that automatically creates COVID-19 variant information and statistics from raw sequencing data generated by COVID-19 Genomics UK Consortium (COG-UK).
Read more
Did you miss the latest ELIXIR webinar?
Didn't make it to the latest webinar from Prof Yann Joly on the Genetic Discrimination Observatory? Fear not! You can watch it in full here.
Watch now
Mark your calendars for the next ELIXIR webinar!
18 May 2021 | 15:00 CEST
Join speakers from ELIXIR-NL, Celia van Gelder and Mijke Jetten to hear their thoughts on professionalising data stewardship.
Register here
Recommended reads of the week
A resource to explore the discovery of rare diseases and their causative genes
An ELIXIR-NL paper, funded by ELIXIR & EJPRD
From the authors: In this study we created a dataset linking rare monogenic disorders with their causative gene and the manually extracted provenance of the first descriptions. This allows to study the timeline of rare disease first descriptions and the discovery of their causative genes. The data is fully open and available in different formats for data analysis.
Continue reading...
Characterising drug mentions in COVID-19 Twitter Chatter
Paper output from the COVID-19 Biohackathon
Since the classification of COVID-19 as a global pandemic, there have been many attempts to treat and contain the virus. In this work, we mined a large twitter dataset of 424 million tweets of COVID-19 chatter to identify discourse around drug mentions. While seemingly a straightforward task, due to the informal nature of language use in Twitter, we demonstrate the need of machine learning alongside traditional automated methods to aid in this task.
Continue reading...
Updates from Platforms
ELIXIR Training Platform at the ELIXIR Portugal 5th Anniversary
The ELIXIR Training Platform and its activities were presented by Celia van Gelder at the 5 year anniversary of ELIXIR-Portugal that was celebrated 5 May 2021.
View the presentation Updates from Communities
Join us at the Galaxy Community Conference 2021
Conference: 6-8 July 2021 There have been some changes to the deadlines:
- Talks | 17 May
- Community fellowships | 17 May
- Posters & Demos | 14 June
- Early bird registration | 1 June
Find out more news from Galaxy in their latest newsletter
Updates from Nodes
Register for the ELIXIR-UK Health Data Workshop
21 June 2021 Join this ELIXIR UK at this health focused workshop, where with a diverse array of speakers from academia and the public health sector, they will touch upon FAIR data, training, data services and projects in the healthcare sector.
Event details and registration Updates from other initiatives
Discover the FAIR cookbook
26 May 2021 | 14:00-15:00 pm CEST
Join the FAIRplus webinar to discover their flagship product developed by and for life science researchers and data stewards academia and industry; the FAIR Cookbook.
Event details and registration
Joint Workshop of Strategic Projects for the Health Research & Innovation Cloud
18 May 2021 | 13:00-16:30 pm CEST
HealthyCloud organises a workshop with the aim of bringing together European projects and initiatives working towards making secure cross-border health data sharing a reality.
Event details and registration
Upcoming ELIXIR events and webinars
ELIXIR Training Courses & Webinars
The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes. A link off to the TeSS portal
ELIXIR-CZ Friday Coffee: 2DProts: Family-wide 2D diagrams
7 May 2021 | 9:30 CEST
ELIXIR-UK Health Data Workshop
21 June 2021 | 12 - 18 CEST
ELIXIR Events and Conferences
ELIXIR Webinar: Towards professionalising data stewardship
18 May 2021 | 15:00 CEST
ELIXIR Bioinformatics Industry Forum (EBIF): Cloud systems for multi-omics analysis
19 May 2021 | 16:30 - 18:30 CEST
Innovation and SME Forum: Building the learning ecosystem of health: from data tracking to preventive medicine
1315 September 2021 | Online
Job vacancies
Data Engineer
Centre for Genomic Regulation
Research Associate in the field Semantics and Ontologies
Forschungszentrum Jlich
Postdoc or PhD student in advanced machine learning and data science
Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut fr Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP) i
PhD Studentship: Study of B chromosomes during embryo development in Sorghum purpureosericeum
Institute of Experimental Botany CAS
Backend Developer (m/f/d)