Weekly Brief, 1 November 2021

Save the date & find out more about international engagement!

30 November 2021 | 14:00-16:00 CET
We are happy to announce a consultation event in relation to international engagement as part of the upcoming ELIXIR Programme for 2024-2028. Registration will open shortly, and all the details about the event can be found the event page.
View the event page

Discover more about our international engagement with Australia BioCommons

You may have heard of our formal collaboration strategy with the Australian BioCommons, and seen the recent news item about their new training resource modelled on ELIXIR's TeSS. Did you want to find out more? Australia BioCommons have recently released a news item detailing their local impact through international engagement with ELIXIR.

You can also join them at their BioCommons Showcase event (3-5 November) at which several ELIXIR members are speaking.
Read more

We're hiring a new Industry Officer

Closing Wednesday 3 November

We're looking for an enthusiastic new team member to work on maintaining and building our industry strategy, and overseeing varied activities to bridge the gaps between academia and industry in the life sciences sector. Please share among your networks.
Find out more and apply

...and a new ELIXIR Communications Officer

Deadline 18 November

We're looking for a communications expert to help build communicate ELIXIR and its activities to key stakeholders. Working on our communications, publications, social media and digital presence to demonstrate ELIXIRs progression as a world class research infrastructure.
Find out more and apply

Updates from Communities

Register for the 3D-Bioinfo Annual meeting

2 - 4 November 2021 | 13:00-17:00 | Virtual

Registration deadline today!

Your last chance to join this exciting annual meeting.
Event details and registration

Updates from Platforms

Register for the joint Data and Interoperability Platform meeting

23-25 November 2021 | Padova, Italy and virtually

Extended registration deadline - 22 November!

We still have a few spots open for face-to-face participation at the event, and space for virtual attendees. Registration will be open for F2F until spaces filled.

This hybrid meeting will highlight areas of collaboration, plan the future tasks, prepare for 2022-23 deliverables, and discuss the strategic planning of the 2024-28 Scientific Programme.

Read the programme and register (login required)

New publication about the software management plan for life sciences

Take a look at the latest paper to originate at the BioHackathon Europe 2020. This paper details how the principles of data management plans can be applied to software management.

Read the preprint

Updates from Nodes

A new, independent study on the impact of open data resources

This new report quantifies the value and impact of the open data and resources at EMBL-EBI. It is an extensive report that includes close to 5,000 survey responses (many of you will have contributed!), and demonstrates the exceptional value for money that open data provides.
Read more

Discover the de.NBI network's Artificial Intelligence activities

The German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure (de.NBI) and ELIXIR Germany are delighted to present their new brochure entitled "Future-Oriented Analysis of Life Science Data Using Artificial Intelligence" which demonstrates network activities in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and emphasizes the potential of the data richness and AI for the life science community.
Read more

New publications and award for BridgeDb

Two new papers:

The ELIXIR Recommended Interoperability Resource BridgeDb was one of the first 26 projects funded by the Dutch NWO Open Science grant programme.
Read more

Join biodata.pt webinar on the RDMkit tomorrow

Tomorrow, 2 November

Join biodata.pt and speaker Daniel Faria (LASIGE, FCUL) to explore the ELIXIR-CONVERGE data management tool, the RDMkit.

Register now

Updates from other initiatives

Join the inaugural EUCanImage webinar

17 November | 14:00 - 18:00 CET

EuCanImage will build a highly secure, federated and large-scale European cancer imaging platform. This webinar is organised by the partners ESOI and EACR, with the participation of Lauren Fromont (EGA-CRG) in a panel session and with a talk about Technical and organisational obstacles and solutions for secure data platform in cancer imaging.

Find out more

Upcoming ELIXIR events & webinars

ELIXIR Training Courses & Webinars

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes. For more, visit TeSS portal

Biodata.pt talks: RDM toolkit

2 November 2021 | 18:00 CET

Bioinformatics workflow management practical workshop
29 November - 1 December | 09:30-15:00 CET

This course is a collaboration between ELIXIR Germany, Spain, Netherlands and Sweden.

SIB course Ligand-protein docking, and computer-aided drug design

13-15 December 2021 | Lausanne, Switzerland

ELIXIR Events and Conferences

3D-Bioinfo Annual Meeting

2-4 November 2021 | 13:00-17:00 | Virtual

BioHackathon Europe 2021

8-12 November 2021 | Hybrid Barcelona, Spain

Workshop: Getting started with impact evaluation

15 Novemeber 2021 | Virtual

Job vacancies

All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website (also including those from industry). If you need our help communicating your new open positions, you can submit a job advertisement and it will automatically appear on our newsletters. Go to our vacancy page to submit a job

Proteomics Team Coordinator


Postdoctoral fellow (Research Associate)

ELIXIR-Luxembourg / Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine

Scientific Full-stack Python Developer

ELIXIR-Luxembourg / Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine

Software Developer

ELIXIR-Luxembourg / Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine

Scientific Full-Stack Java Developer

ELIXIR-Luxembourg / Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine