Weekly Brief, 1 March 2021

Submit your project for BioHackathon Europe 2021

Do you have a bioinformatics-related project idea that needs a little stimulus? The BioHackathon provides the ultimate source of willing experts to kick-start or drive a project forward.
View details and submit your project proposal

Deadline 1 April 2021
Any questions please contact biohackathon-europe@elixir-europe.org

Deadline approaching: All Hands 2021 workshop proposals

Deadline for submissions 12 March

Please submit your workshop proposals for the ELIXIR All Hands 2021 virtual event. Workshops will run for two hours; you can apply for two blocks to create a full day event.
Find out more about the event and submissions

Final reminder: the internal premiere of the CONVERGE RDMKit

Today at 2 pm CET

This afternoon, the RDMKit Webinar will present the kit to the ELIXIR community with a short demo ahead of the public release at the end of March.
Register to attend today

Recommended reads of the week

COVID-19 Disease Map, a computational knowledge repository of SARS-CoV-2 virus-host interaction mechanisms

preprint in BioRxiv

We describe a large-scale community effort to build an open-access, interoperable, and computable repository of COVID-19 molecular mechanisms - the COVID-19 Disease Map. We discuss the tools, platforms, and guidelines necessary for the distributed development of its contents by a multi-faceted community of biocurators, domain experts, bioinformaticians, and computational biologists..
Continue reading...

Digital skills for FAIR and Open Science

A report produced by the EOSC Skills Training Working Group

Digital skills for FAIR and open science are a cornerstone of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)s operations and its future outlook. The report identifies a framework for building capabilities for EOSC and makes recommendations for the Member States and Associated Countries on how to support EOSC in national skills policies and strategies. It features the ELIXIR Training Platform, TeSS and several ELIXIR members.
Continue reading...

Updates from Nodes

ELIXIR-DE | de.NBI releases newsletter issue

The quarterly newsletter from de.NBI highlights new COVID-19 research, how the de.NBI cloud is being leveraged for teaching, FAIR data management and more.
Read the newsletter

ELIXIR Spain RIs in Biomedicine workshop

10 March 2021 | Online, for Spanish-speaking audience

Join ELIXIR Spain and the Spanish chapters of the RIs in biomedicine (EATRIS, ECRIN, ELIXIR, EU-OPENSCREEN, INFRAFRONTIER and INSTRUCT), in their workshop on reserach infrastructures, their role in Horizon Europe, and their services.
Register here

ELIXIR-NL invites you to the Studyathon on prostate cancer

8-12 March 2021 | Online

The EU projects PIONEER and EHDEN, together with the OHDSI community, are organising a studyathon on prostate cancer, where epidemiological/clinical studies will be performed on federated data sources. Last year, the OHDSI COVID-19 studyathon led to several Lancet and Nature papers. This one is co-organized by several ELIXIR partner organizations including EISBM, ErasmusMC and The Hyve.
Find out more

ELIXIR Portugal releases 2020 Annual Report and celebrates its 5th anniversary

The Node will celebrate the 5th anniversary of the establishment of ELIXIR Portugal on 5 May 2021, with speakers from ELIXIR, such as Niklas Blomberg and Celia van Gelder. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Find out more

You can also read the Annual Report with the highlights of 2020.
Read the annual report

Updates from Platforms

Terri Attwood receives the ISCB Outstanding Contributions Award

We would like to congratulate Terri Attwood on her ISCB Outstanding Contributions Award for her exemplary contributions to leadership, education, and service. Until her retirement in 2019, Terri played an important role in ELIXIR and the Training Platform. She was among the initiators of our Research Infrastructure, contributing to defining its training scope and vision. For several years, she supported and drove the development of TeSS and the training collaboration with GOBLET, for which she was the Chair since its foundation in 2012.
Read the full news release

Updates from Communities

ELIXIR Plant Sciences publishes roadmap

Now published in the ELIXIR F1000 channel, this document details the Plant Science community's action plan for 2020-2023 promoting tools, databases, standards and best practices for plant research.
Discover the roadmap

If you missed the last Galaxy courses...

Galaxy Training Network

With over 1,100 registrants from all over the world and more than 50 instructors, the event was one of the largest Galaxy training events. It was delivered virtually with pre-recorded sessions, while Slack held vibrant conversations for questions and discussions.
You can still access all the materials

Galaxy-ELIXIR webinar series on Open Data Infrastructures to tackle the COVID-19

This week concluded the 2nd Galaxy-ELIXIR webinar series.
Watch all the sessions

Galaxy advanced features webinar series

Starting 3 March 2021 | Online, 5 pm CET

Following the last webinar series, a new one begins this Wednesday for more advanced users.
Find all details and register

Upcoming ELIXIR events & webinars

ELIXIR Training Courses & Webinars

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes. A link off to the TeSS portal

Galaxy-ELIXIR webinars series: Advanced Features

3-24 March 2021 | Online, 5pm CET every Wednesday

Introduction to working with Chemical Data and KNIME

8-12 March 2021 | Online

KNIME Analytics Platform for Data Scientists (Life Science): Advanced

12-16 April 2021 | Online

Tools for reproducible research

19-23 April 2021 | Online

ELIXIR Events and Conferences

Innovation and SME Forum: Data-Driven Innovation in the Agritech Sector

10-12 March 2021 | Online

Job vacancies

All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website (also including those from industry). If you need our help communicating your new open positions, you can submit a job advertisement and it will automatically appear on our newsletters. Go to our vacancy page to submit a job

1-2 System developer with operational responsibility


Senior Bioinformatician for Oligonucleotide Therapeutics


Bioinformatician at the Structural Genomics Group of CNAG-CRG

Centre for Genomic Regulation

Data Engineer


Postdoctoral Position: Bioinformatician for NGS data analysis

RECETOX, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University