Weekly Brief

Hub updates

Head of Nodes and EXCELERATE WP Leaders' meeting took place on 2-3 September in Windsor, UK.

All WP folders and the EXCELERATE project documentation are available to 'view' in the EXCELERATE Google drive folder.

The CORBEL cluster project started on 1 September. The kick-off meeting is planned for 19 November 2015 in Hinxton, following the BioMedBridges symposium.

ELIXIR Hub has appointed Friederike Schmidt-Tremmel as Project Manager and Martin Cook as Web Developer. Friederike will take over the responsibilities for the management of CORBEL and BioMedBridges. Martin Cook will manage the technical development of the ELIXIR website.

The ELIXIR Board has approved France's application to join ELIXIR as a Provisional Member. Once France completes some final administrative steps it will become a Provisional Member, and the ELIXIR French Node will participate fully in all ELIXIR activities.

ELIXIR Hub has published Guidelines for planning and organising an ELIXIR-funded workshops.

Updates from Nodes

Rob Hooft (Technical Coordinator, ELIXIR Netherlands) is a candidate for the Technical Advisory Board of the Research Data Alliance (RDA). If you or your colleagues are RDA members, you can support Rob and vote for him in the upcoming elections. ELIXIR and BILS (ELIXIR Node in Sweden) featured in the latest issue of Science and Technology published by Pan European Networks. ELIXIR Denmark sponsored and co-organized in a partnership with Danish Universities, the first Annual Danish Bioinformatics Conference on 27-28 August 2015 in Odense. ELIXIR Finland publishes its first use case: Webmicroscope service The ELIXIR UK Node has appointed Dr Tim Stitt, Head of Scientific Computing at TGAC, as the Compute Coordinator for the ELIXIR UK.

Job board

University of Oxford is seeking to appoint Research Software Engineers to contribute to ELIXIR-UK's infrastructure activities for EXCELERATE.

Upcoming events

15 September 2015 | Ljubljana, Slovenia
ELIXIR-GOBLET Workshop: defining e-learning lingua franca

16 September 2015
ELIXIR Webinar: Introduction to ELIXIR-EXCELERATE

8 October 2015 | Amsterdam, Netherlands
National eScience Symposium: DTL Life Science and eHealth track

8-10 October 2015 | Brno, Czech republic
ELIXIR-EXCELERATE Capacity Building Workshop: EU Structural Funds

8-9 October 2015 | London & 23-24 November 2015 | Manchester, UK
Instructor (Train-the-trainer) workshops on how to train life science researchers in computing

19-20 October 2015 | Uppsala, Sweden
ELIXIR-EXCELERATE Workshop - Capacity Building in Genome Assembly and Annotation