NEWS! Towards better findability: Bioschemas meets
Last week, included five Bioschemas types for representing life sciences data in their latest release.
It includes types for providing high-level descriptions of genes, proteins, molecular entities, chemical substances and taxons.
Find out more
Statement of condolences for Professor Jaroslav Koa
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Prof Jaroslav Koa. He represented the Czech Republic in the ELIXIR Board for almost seven years and was a long-time chair of the ELIXIR-CZ Council.
Read our statement
Recommended read of the week
Exploiting Bioschemas markup to populate IDPcentral
Biohackrxiv preprint acknowledging the BioHackathon Europe
One of the goals of the ELIXIR Intrinsically Disordered Protein (IDP) Community is to create a registry called IDPcentral, aggregating data contained in the community's specialist data sources such as DisProt, MobiDB, and Protein Ensemble Database.
At the ELIXIR BioHackathon Europe 2020, the Community aimed to investigate the feasibility of populating IDPcentral harvesting the Bioschemas markup.
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Updates from Nodes
Get a travel fellowship to attend the [BC]2 Basel Computational Biology Conference
ELIXIR Switzerland provides five travel fellowships to ELIXIR members of up to 1,300 each to attend the conference
Participating in the conference is a prime opportunity to learn about cutting edge research in computational biology and bioinformatics and network with SIB members. Each travel fellowship will cover the travel expenses (e.g. flight and ground transportation, economy class) to the venue and the registration cost.
Deadline: 26 July 2021
Apply to get your travel fellowship
Fast and automated interpretation of single-cell RNA-seq data
in silico talks The latest in bioinformatics, by SIB Scientists
If you are a researcher using single-cell transcriptomics to study immunology-related problems, you are probably on the lookout for a way to characterise cell states efficiently.
SIB organised a talk with SIB Group Leader, Santiago Carmona, to present a powerful approach and a tool ProjecTILs using reference atlases.
Read more
Updates from Focus Groups
New guide and DwC extension
Publishing DNA-derived data through biodiversity data platforms
The guide explains the principles and approaches of exposing 'sequences with dates and coordinates' in the context of biodiversity data.
It covers choices of particular schemas and terms, common pitfalls and good practice, without going into platform-specific details. It will benefit anyone interested in better exposure of DNA-derived data through general biodiversity data platforms, including national biodiversity portals.
Discover the guide
Updates from other initiatives
ELIXIR consultation response to the European Health Data Space
We would like to share with you the first draft of the ELIXIR consultation response to the European Health Data Space. We invite you to provide feedback and would appreciate input especially from Heads of Nodes, Human Data Communities, as well as the Health Data Focus Group and Machine Learning Focus Group.
Please provide feedback directly into the Google document or to Arshiya Merchant ( by Thursday, 22 July.
Upcoming ELIXIR events & webinars
ELIXIR Training Courses & Webinars
The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes. For more, visit TeSS portal
ELIXIR Events and Conferences
Innovation and SME Forum | Building the learning ecosystem of health: from data tracking to preventive medicine
13 September 2021 | At the [BC]2 Conference, Basel, Switzerland
(virtual participation also available)
UK Conference of bioinformatics and computational biology 2021
28-30 September 2021 | Virtual
You can also submit an abstract for a poster or short talk
BioHackathon Europe 2021
8-12 November 2021 | Hybrid Barcelona, Spain
Registration now open!
Job vacancies
Research Data Steward
RUB - SFB1280
1-2 System developer with operational responsibility
Uppsala University
PhD student - Phylogenomics (R1)
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)
Postdoctoral researcher - Phylogenomics (R2)
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)
Data Manager (80%-100%)
SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics