Key Contributors Update 9 January 2015

Action items

Indicate your attendance at the ELIXIR all-hands meeting ( to be held in Hinxton 30-31 March 2015 by end of today.* Review the ELIXIR EXCELERATE Proposal Part B1-B3, as circulated by Jonathan Mackinnon (S-N-M) yesterday (8 Jan) and return your comments by the end of today.* Review the ELIXIR Registries: Agreements and Recommendations document (…) prepared by the ELIXIR Technical Coordinators Group and TeSS management team, and provide feedback by Friday 30th of January 2015 at the latest.

For information

Ongoing activities


The proposal is fast approaching completion. Heads of Nodes are asked to review the ELIXIR EXCELERATE Proposal Part B1-B3, as circulated by Jonathan Mackinnon, Project Manager at Scientific Network Management S.L. yesterday and return your comments to him before the end of today, in order that there is enough time to respond to the comments before the final submission is made next week.

Feedback from ELIXIR SAB meeting, 9-10 December 2014

Theoverview report (…) and feedback on the ELIXIR-EXCELERATE proposal (…) issued by the ELIXIR SAB following their meeting in December is now available in the HoN area in Google drive.Reports on individual Nodes presented for review at the meeting have been sent to the relevant Heads of Nodes for their consideration.

ELIXIR Registries - Agreements and Recommendations

ELIXIR Technical Coordinators as well as members of the TeSS management team had a meeting the 19th of December to discuss several issue raised about the registries proposed in several EXCELERATE WPs. As an outcome of this meeting a list of suggestions for the HoNs have been proposed. With the approval of HoNs we would like to use this document as a first guideline to facilitate coordination among our ELIXIR registries. You are asked to please review the document and provide your feedback by Friday 30th January 2015 at the latest.The document can be found here on google drive:…

Update on the ELIXIR Website and Node Web Template

Following the initial release of the new ELIXIR website ( last month, work continues on a '2nd release' which includes the development of the intranet aspect of the website, where different information can be exposed to different users depending on their role, i.e., HoN, Board member, comms experts, and also on the ELIXIR Node website template, and turning the template into HTML format, Java compatible, etc, allowing the Nodes who plan to use it to implement it in-house.We are currently expecting work to be complete Mid- February and will send you further information in due course.Upcoming ELIXIR events

NIH Identifiers Workshop, 14 January 2015

ELIXIR is holding a Research Object Identifier (ROI) Workshop co-organised with the NIH at London Heathrow Airport on 14 January 2015. The workshop agenda is available (…) and will include talks by experts to demonstrate current best practices and a breakout session to identify challenging areas and proposals for shared implementation. The workshop aims to systematically map the State of the Art and agree on strategies for data / research object identifiers and develop a white paper for community and expert consultation. The Heads of Nodes will be asked to comment and contribute on the white paper before publication later in 2015. If you are interested in taking part in this meeting please contact us for more information.

Launch of the ELIXIR Webinar Series

This year we are planning to launch an ELIXIR Webinar seriesThe webinars will be one hour covering one topic per session, led by those involved in the activity in question (Pilot Action or Task Force etc), with approximately 30 minutes to be allowed for presentation and 30 minutes for discussion, and will be open to anyone interested in participating.In order to kick start the series the first webinar is planned for 21st of January 2pm UK time / 3 pm CET, and will be led by ELIXIR Director Niklas Blomberg, providing a general introduction to ELIXIR, plans for the series and an update on ongoing activities.The webinars are then expected to continue on a regular basis, at the same time every third Wednesday of each month (2pm UK time / 3 pm CET).The webinars will be advertised via various channels including the all-at-nodes mailing list, twitter, the ELIXIR newsletter and ELIXIR home page.Further details on how to join the webinar will be made available shortly.If you are interested in leading a session please contact us.Upcoming BioMedBridges events

BioMedBridges knowledge exchange workshop: Data strategies for research infrastructures

BioMedBridges will be hosting a one-day workshop at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) headquarters - in Garching, outside of Munich, Germany - on Thursday 19 February 2015. A day after the BioMedBridges AGM held in Munich.The day will provide an opportunity to learn more about the management of biological data within research infrastructures and to exchange ideas on good practices in the area. The workshop will allow participants a chance to better understand the data management needs of their infrastructures, and assist them in preparing long-term plans.Further details and registration for the workshop - organized and arranged by BioMedBridges WP12 (Training) - can be found here:…

BioMedBridges Symposium - 17-18 November 2015 - Hinxton, UK

The agenda and current list of confirmed speakers for this international, open symposium, hosted by ELIXIR, are now available and can be viewed here (…) . To receive updates for this event, subscribe here (…) .

Funding opportunities

Horizon 2020: Marie Sku0142odowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) call now open

A call for proposals under the Horizon 2020 2015 MSCA RISE scheme that facilitates staff exchanges between academia and SMEs, and academia and states outside Europe is now open.More information about the Call and how to apply can be found in the EC participant portal (…) .

First ERACoSysMed/EU-cofund Joint Transnational Call for Proposals 2015

A pre-announcement has been made that the first ERACoSysMed/EU-cofund Joint Transnational Call for Proposals 2015 will open on February 16^th, 2015.The call will aim to support the development of Proof of Concept projects (demonstrator projects) which will improve understanding of Systems Medicine and demonstrate the utility of this approach in a clinical setting.More information about the Call can be found on the CoSysMed website ( .

3rd and 4th Calls for proposals under IMI 2 launched

A reminder that the IMI has now launched its 3rd (http:// and 4th ( Calls for proposals under IMI 2.From 17 December 2014 to 23 January 2015 IMI is holding webinars on each Call topic and on IMI 2 rules and procedures. For more information and to register please visit the webinar page ( .You can find partners for submitting a proposal via the Partner Search Tool ( .

BD2K Training Coordination Center RFA announced

The NIH Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) Program is seeking applications for a Biomedical Data Science Training Coordination Center ( (TCC).Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to arrange a call with Program staff prior to submission of applications by sending a request to ( .Job opportunities

Research Software Engineer Required

The University of Oxford, e-Research Centre (part of ELIXIR-UK), is seeking a Research Software Engineer to join their team.In this varied, interesting and challenging role the successful candidate will provide technical knowledge, software engineering and leadership ability for (i) a growing portfolio of data and knowledge management projects - including the ISA software suite ( ( ), the BioSharing registry ( ( ) - funded by UK, EU and NIH Big Data to Knowledge Initiative, and (i) activities for the ELIXIR UK node ( ( ) of the ELIXIR programme. The application deadline is January 19th 2015.Details on how to apply, link to application form and detailed job description at: information and opportunities which may be of interest to ELIXIR Nodes

NIH Frameworks for Community-based Standards Efforts Workshop Report Released

A reminder that users, software developers and publishers are invited to review the report issued as a result of the NIH BD2K workshop ( on "Frameworks for Community-based Standards Efforts" and post comments by January 20, 2015.

Global Alliance December update

The December newsletter ( from the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) , which ELIXIR recently joined as an organizational member is now available, and includes an update from the GA4GH Data Working Group.The Data Working Group welcomes participation from experts in the field. It runs regular teleconferences, maintains mailing lists, and allows immediate participation and interaction via our public github repository If you are interested in taking part or have ideas for new initiatives you are invited to contact DWG Coordinator, Stephen Keenan at ( .

ELIXIR Literature and Branded Merchandise

Just a reminder that the ELIXIR Hub carries a stock of ELIXIR Literature and Branded Merchandise available to ELIXIR Nodes, please do let us if you would like materials sending out to you for distribution within your Nodes and at your local events.Requests should be sent to: (…)

Reminder of Key Meetings/Dates

HoN Teleconference (4 Feb 15, 13:00-16:00 UK time)

ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum event, Wageningen, Netherlands (18-19 Mar 15) (…)

ELIXIR 'all-hands' meeting, Hinxton (30 - 31 Mar 15)

ELIXIR Board meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland (13-14 Apr 15)

ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum event, Basel, Switzerland (9 June 15) (…)

ELIXIR Board meeting, Hinxton, Cambridge (22 - 23 Oct 15)

BioMedBridges Open Symposium, Hinxton, UK (17-19 Nov 15) (…)