Key Contributors update 9 February 2018

This update is sent weekly on Friday afternoon and goes to ELIXIR key stakeholders. It contains requests for actions regarding operations and developments within ELIXIR. Links to further information are in blue. Contact for any questions.

An ELIXIR HoNs shared folder including meeting materials from HoN meetings, reference documents, slides & graphics archive can be found on google drive.

For action New

The two new Communities, Proteomics and Metabolomics, have prepared Implementation Study project plans, as requested by the HoN at the December TC. The HoN are asked to review the project plans and send any feedback and comments to Susanna Repo by 26 February 2018.

Please send us an overview of your Node activities in 2017 for the ELIXIR Annual Report 2018. You can add your content directly to this Google doc, where you will also find short guidelines and the relevant content from the 2016 Annual Report. The deadline is 9 March 2018.

For information

The Data Platform Implementation Study review process has now concluded. Applicants were notified of the outcome on Monday 5th February. A report describing the Selection Procedure has been compiled, and includes a list of the six selected projects. The Data Platform would like to thank everyone who participated, and contributed to the smooth running of ELIXIR's first attempt at using internal tendering for the selection of Implementation Studies.

Key dates and meetings

Heads of Nodes TC

  • 2 March 2018, 13.00-16.00 UK time /14.00-17.00 CET

ELIXIR Board meeting

  • 24-25 April 2018 | Tel Aviv

ELIXIR Core Data Resouece selection - Consensus Ranking meeting

  • 9 May 2018 | Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Heads of Nodes meeting @ ELIXIR All Hands

  • 6-7 June 2018, Berlin, Germany

Heads of Nodes meeting @ ECCB 2018

  • to be held alongside ECCB conference taking place 912 September 2018 in Athens, Greece. Time/date TBC.

Board meeting

  • 12-13 November 2018 | Ljubljana, Slovenia

Heads of Nodes TC

  • 7 December 2018, 13.00-16.00 UK time /14.00-17.00 CET