Key Contributors Update, 9 April 2021

For Information

European Health Data Space

ELIXIR has been invited by the European Commission's DG SANTE to engage in a pilot action for the European Health Data Space (EHDS). At this stage we are still gathering information about what exactly this will involve, but given the importance of the theme to much of ELIXIRs work, in particular work being done in the B1MG project to develop plans for a federated human data architecture, we think engaging will give us the best opportunity of shaping the development of the initiative, and allow us to share information on it with various channels in ELIXIR over the coming months.

For questions, please contact Arshiya Merchant (

Key Dates and Meetings

Heads of Nodes Retreat

11-12 May 2021 (virtual)

Heads of Nodes TC

9 September | 11:00-14:00 (CEST)

Heads of Nodes TC