This update is sent weekly on Friday afternoon and goes to ELIXIR key stakeholders. It contains requests for actions regarding operations and developments within ELIXIR. Contact for any questions.
An ELIXIR HoNs shared folder including meeting materials from HoN meetings, reference documents, slides & graphics archive can be found on google drive.
For action
New Heads of Nodes are asked to review Project Plans for Commissioned Services. These include the tasks in the ELIXIR Platforms and strategic Implementation Studies, as well as the hCNV Community Implementation Study.
Heads of Nodes can either send comments and feedback to Susanna Repo ( by Tue, 26 February or present their feedback at the HoN TC, taking place on Thu, 28 February.
For action
Ongoing Final Reminder! As discussed in the December Heads of Nodes meeting, we aim to fund via INFRADEV-3 a minimum of 0.5 FTE per Node (18 PMs). Heads of Nodes are asked to please fill in this spreadsheet, to allocate the 18PMs of your Node to the different WPs. The INFRADEV-3 Editorial Board will then review this initial allocation.
Please note that when it is possible to add more than one institution per Node when justified, it would be better no to do so, due to the limited budget available for this call.
Please provide input no later than Fri, 15 February. If you have any questions please contact Juan ( Heads of Nodes are asked to add a summary of their Node's activities in 2018 by Fri, 22 February. The content will be used for the 2018 ELIXIR Annual Report. For any questions about the Annual Report, please contact Prem Velek (
For information
Final Reminder! Heads of Nodes are reminded that the next INFRADEV-3 Editorial Board TC will take place on Fri, 15 February. For more information or any questions, please contact Juan Arenas ( The Call for Pilot Projects to be incorporated into the INFRADEV-3 submission is now open and will close on Sun, 17 February.
For questions regarding the process, please contact WP5 team members (Anne-Francoise Adam-Blondon (, Alfonso Valencia (, Salvador Capella (
For any other matters please contact Juan Arenas ( ELIXIR and GA4GH will expand collaboration in the form of a Strategic Partnership. This Strategic Partnership will deepen collaboration between the two organisations with specific efforts in building capacity in the areas of cloud computing and identity and access management, building on ELIXIR AAI. The vision is to provide a higher level of visibility of our GA4GH related work than would be provided by any single, or suite of, Driver Project(s). The intention is to coordinate and position ELIXIR to provide a gateway for GA4GH into Europe. With the formal announcement we will work with you to formalise and operationalise this Strategic Partnership.
We will look for input from the ELIXIR Communities and GA4GH over the next weeks to ensure that we develop a structure that is beneficial to all parties and provides the correct level of visibility of our coordinated work.
For any questions please contact Serena Scollen (, ELIXIR Head of Human Genomics and Translational Data. The supplementary communication document to the announcement of the Recommended Interoperability Resources (RIRs) is now available for Heads of Nodes. This information of clarification was requested by the Interoperability Platform ExCos at the December 2018 HoN meeting.
Please contact Sira ( for further inquiries. The yearly ELIXIR Scientific Advisory Board meeting took place from 6-7 February in Hinxton. We would like to thank our SAB members and participating Heads of Nodes for their input.
The General SAB Report from the meeting will be made available in the upcoming weeks.
Key dates and meetings
Heads of Nodes teleconference
- 28 February 2019
ELIXIR Board meeting
- 15-16 April 2019, Bergen, Norway
Heads of Nodes meeting
- 13-14 May 2019, Woking (Heathrow), UK
Heads of Nodes teleconference
- 11 September 2019