Action items
Deadline for feedback on draft ELIXIR 2019-23 Programme extended to 22 December
As a reminder, HoN are asked to provide feedback on the first draft of the Programme by 22 December to Any questions, please contact Susanna.
Applications are currently being taken by the Data Platform for the second round of Core Data Resource selection.
One representative - Head of Node or Deputy Head of Node - from each node is needed for the Consensus Ranking meeting on 9 May 2018
This will be a full day meeting and will take place at Schiphol airport. The format will follow that established for the first round of Core Data Resource selection. Please mark your diaries to save the date.
ELIXIR are looking for additional members of the Editorial Board for the ELIXIR F1000R Channel to help with reviewing submissions to the channel and to ELIXIR tracks at ECCB and other conferences. Volunteers from among ELIXIR Heads of Nodes, please contact
For information
The HoN held a three-hour TC on 5 December, thank you for all Heads of Nodes for participating. The minutes will follow in the next weeks.
Key dates and meetings
ELIXIR SAB meeting
- 1-2 February 2018, Hinxton, UK (Platforms expected to present draft plans)
Heads of Nodes TC
- 2 March 2018, 13.00-16.00 UK time /14.00-17.00 CET
ELIXIR Board meeting
- 24-25 April 2018 | Tel Aviv
ELIXIR Core Data Resouece selection - Consensus Ranking meeting
- 9 May 2018 | Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Heads of Nodes meeting @ ELIXIR All Hands
- 6-7 June 2018, Berlin, Germany
Heads of Nodes meeting @ ECCB 2018
- to be held alongside ECCB conference taking place 9-12 September 2018 in Athens, Greece. Time/date TBC.ELIXIR
Board meeting
- 12-13 November 2018 | Ljubljana, Slovenia
Heads of Nodes TC
- 7 December 2018, 13.00-16.00 UK time /14.00-17.00 CET