Key Contributors Update 6 October 2017

The update to ELIXIR Heads of Nodes is sent weekly on Friday afternoon. Training and Technical Coordinators are copied in for info, as are Use Case leads and Platform Ex-Co members. Links to further information are in blue. Contact for any questions.

Information from the Hub

ELIXIR 2018 Work Plan submitted to the ELIXIR Board

The 2018 Work Plan was shared with the Board on October 1. Many thanks for all your input on this document and on the associated project plans.

The indicative budget for Commissioned Services in 2018 is substantially larger (440 PM) than what was initially discussed. There are several reasons for this including growing membership, underspend and changes to the way we budget for overheads which has freed up resources for additional technical studies.

Resource allocation to Commissioned Services must be transparent so the proposal is to use the additional resources to expand the "Request for Proposals' for data resources - with the additional funding we could initiate 6-10 studies depending on the results from the external review.

Further funding is proposed to be allocated to broaden Node participation in the on-going and proposed Implementation Studies and to the new Use Cases to link up efforts across Nodes and with the ELIXIR Platforms.

We propose to develop a mechanism for allocating this additional funding to specific projects and Nodes in the HoN Working Group (where we already have had discussions on this) and then present the mechanism for agreement in the December Heads of Nodes meeting. Development of projects plans could then proceed in Q1 of 2018. We will not allocate additional PMs to Implementation Studies before the December meeting.

Key dates and meetings


Heads of Nodes TC

  • 5 December 2017, 13.00 - 16.00 UK time/14.00 - 17.00 CET


ELIXIR SAB meeting

  • 1-2 February 2018, Hinxton, UK (ELIXIR HoNs welcome to attend by open invitation)

Heads of Nodes TC

  • 2 March 2018, 13.00-16.00 UK time /14.00-17.00 CET

Heads of Nodes meeting @ ELIXIR All Hands

  • 6-7 June 2018, Berlin, Germany

Heads of Nodes meeting @ ECCB 2018

  • to be held alongside ECCB conference taking place 9-12 September 2018 in Athens, Greece. Time/date TBC.

Heads of Nodes TC

  • 7 December 2018, 13.00-16.00 UK time /14.00-17.00 CET