Key Contributors Update, 5 May 2023

For Information

Virtual workshop on financial sustainability of ELIXIR services

Financial sustainability is a critical topic, and a key component of this is the sustainability and business models applied by ELIXIR services, especially in light of the principle that data, software and standards are free for users to access.

In order to exchange good practice on this topic, and explore the various challenges and possible solutions to support ELIXIR services, we are organising a virtual workshop on 31 May at 13:30-16:00 (CEST). It is likely that this will be followed by further workshops later in 2023 or into 2024. The draft agenda for the workshop is available on the Google Drive. If you are interested, please register via the link in the agenda.

For any questions about the workshop, please contact Peter Maccallum (peter.maccallum [at] (peter.maccallum@eli)andrew.smith [at] (

Key Dates and Meetings

Heads of Nodes Retreat

10-11 May 2023 | (Prague, Czech Republic)

Heads of Nodes TC

14 September 2023 | 11:00-14:00 (CEST)

Heads of Nodes TC

7 December 2023 | 11:00-14:00 (CET)