For Action Ongoing
Final Reminder! Emerging Toxicology community white paper
The emerging Toxicology community is presenting its white paper draft for consultation. We welcome everyones feedback on the white paper. Please send your comments (as comments in the pdf document) to Katharina ( no later than Thursday, 10 June 2021.
If you would like to join the Toxicology Community once the white paper was accepted, please reach out to Katharina Heil to speak about the details.
Agro-Ecological Transitions Proposal
As we have previously announced, the ELIXIR Hub, together with the Plant Community are currently involved in the preparation of the INFRA-SERV 2021 call (HORIZON-INFRA-2021-SERV-01-03): Research Infrastructures services for a sustainable and resilient agriculture and agro-ecological transitions (draft call on Google Drive).
If you have not yet been approached by or reached out to Cyril, Kristina, Sebastian (Plant Community co-leads) or Katharina Heil (Communities Coordinator), there is still an opportunity to show interest. If you or anyone else in your Nodes would like to explore possibilities to contribute to this proposal, please take this last opportunity to let Katharina know via
For more information / next steps you can also:
Join the Plant Community call on Monday, 14 June at 16:00 (CEST)
(Please contact Katharina Heil to receive connection details).
For Information
The minutes from the virtual Heads of Nodes Retreat from 11-12 May are now available in the shared folder on Google Drive. We invite you to submit comments to Joana Wingender (
The minutes will be considered agreed upon on Friday, 18 June.
Key Dates and Meetings
Heads of Nodes TC
9 September 2021 | 11:00-14:00 (CEST)
Heads of Nodes TC
9 December 2021 | 11:00-14:00 (CET)