Action items
This week's actions:
Complete the questionnaire on the ELIXIR Training eSupport System (TeSS) prototype being developed by ELIXIR-UK:
* Send us a contact email address (…) for the redirection of mail coming into ''. See details below.
* Forward the invitation to the ELIXIR collaboration workshop on marine informatics to your Node contacts. We hope that Nodes with expertise in the relevant area would participate in the workshop. The draft agenda and registration for the event are available here (http://…) .
From last week's update:
* Review the ELIXIR Registries: Agreements and Recommendations document (…) prepared by the ELIXIR Technical Coordinators Group and TeSS management team, and provide feedback by end of today.
For information
Ongoing activities
Agenda for next week's HoN teleconference, 4 Feb 15
The draft agenda and documents for next week's HoN teleconference are now on google drive (…) . Dial in details can be found on the agenda provided.
This week brought the news that, although the ELIXIR-led INFRADEV-4 ESFRI BMS cluster proposal 'CORBEL' was reviewed favourably by the Commission, it is currently on the reserve list subject to funding being available following the negotiation of proposals higher up the list.Whilst the EC remains supportive of the proposal, funding will depend on budget availability and we are trying to establish the likelihood of this. It could take into mid-2015 before we know.
We understand that all of the proposals submitted to this Call were within the suggested budget amount, so ELIXIR-EXCELERATE remains in a good position to receive funding. We will get official confirmation around June, 5 months after proposal submission.
Update on planned pilot actions for 2015
In November, the first three ELIXIR pilot actions for 2015 were selected, based on the memo: 'Priorities for ELIXIR 2015 Pilot actions and Technical activities'. These pilots cover three priority areas for 2015: Interaction with RDA, Capacity building and Software and data carpentry. Plans for these pilots are being solidified and will be presented to you at the HoN's TC next week, 4th February.In addition to the above pilots, the Hub foresees funds to be available for an additional 2-3 pilots in 2015. We would like to thank the Nodes for submitting a large pool of good pilot ideas last year; these will be considered. For the remaining pilots, decisions will be based on priorities as decided at the HoN's TC, based on the above memo and also recognising the SAB recommendations. After the HoN's meeting, pilot proposals in the prioritised areas will be contacted and where necessary, proposals will be asked to be consolidated and updated.
Update on ELIXIR 2014 pilot: BILS-ProteomeXchange integration using EUDAT resources
The main aim of this project is to integrate data repositories for mass spectrometry proteomics data run by BILS (Sweden, and ProteomeXchange (via the PRIDE database, EMBL-EBI, UK,, using the European data infrastructure EUDAT ( This can serve as a model for distributed storage and replication of life science data. So far the project partners have outlined a detailed data submission workflow for publication of proteomics data. The workflow relies on iRODS (Integrated Rule-Oriented Data System) storage, and data replication through the B2SAFE module provided by EUDAT. The BILS and EBI data centers have upgraded their iRODS installations to the latest community version and worked with EUDAT to enable B2SAFE functionality for this version. The consortium has also generated a validation tool for file types specific for proteomics, to ensure the integrity of published data.For more information on this pilot, please contact: webinar on this pilot will be held on Wednesday 20th May 2015, as part of the ongoing ELIXIR webinar series ( .
Update from the TeSS team and questionnaire
'The first demonstration of ELIXIR's TeSS (Training eSupport System) was held 13 Jan 2015 for TrCG and TeCG. The TeSS team explained what TeSS is and how it works. Currently, TeSS is still a prototype, which should be taken into account when browsing/testing the system. The minutes from the meeting can be found here (…) .In short, TeSS is a platform for discovering, packaging and linking training resources aggregated from the plethora of fragmented life-science training materials, events, etc. offered by ELIXIR Nodes and 3rd-party training providers (such as GOBLET). Discoverability will be aided by data-oriented training workflows and customisable Node views.TeSS is being developed by ELIXIR-UK for the ELIXIR community. To better tailor its development to the community's needs, the TeSS team is seeking feedback on the current prototype. Please help by taking 5 min to complete the following questionnaire:
Request for contact for 'info@' ELIXIR Node email address
As part of the ELIXIR Web template project, we would like to ensure that each node has a standardized '' email address for incoming enquiries.As we have already purchased the ELIXIR Node domain names for you, we can create these email addresses and have the mail coming into them directed straight to you.We would be grateful if you could provide us with one contact email address for incoming enquiries in order that a redirect can be set up; this could be either an individual, or a mailing list you have set up with a group of individuals from your Node. Please send the details to (…) .
Posts at the ELIXIR Hub
The following posts are now open:ELIXIR Data Coordinator/Chief Data Officer (… Communications and Community Outreach Officer (… to both posts are available via the 'vacancies' ( page on the ELIXIR website. Please circulate this information to anyone you think might be interested in applying.The interviews for both posts will be taking place Monday 23rd Feb, Tuesday 24th Feb and Wednesday 25th Feb.We are still looking for volunteers to assist with ELIXIR Data Coordinator/Chief Data Officer technical 1:1 interviews either via teleconference or videoconference.If you are available and would like to be involved, please let Niklas and Branka (,%20branka.stekovic@elixir-euro…) know.If there are vacancies at your Nodes which you would like us to advertise, please send the details to (…) .Upcoming meetings which may be of interest to ELIXIR Nodes
ELIXIR collaboration workshop on marine informatics, 16-17 March 2015, Hinxton, UK
ELIXIR will host a collaboration workshop on marine informatics in March at Hinxton. The workshop aims to bring together the marine informatics community to discuss infrastructure needs for reference genomes, metagenomics and host-parasite (salmon-lice) research. Draft agenda and registration available here (http://…) .
Reminder of Key Meetings/Dates
HoN teleconference (4 Feb 15, 13:00-16:00 UK time)
ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum event, Wageningen, Netherlands (18-19 Mar 15) (…)
ELIXIR 'all-hands' meeting, Hinxton (30 - 31 Mar 15)
ELIXIR Board meeting, Geneva, Switzerland (13-14 Apr 15)
HoN teleconference (4 Jun 15, 09:00-12:00 BST, 10:00-13:00 CEST)
ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum event, Basel, Switzerland (9 June 15) (…)
HoN meeting, Hinxton, Cambridge (21 Oct 15)
ELIXIR Board meeting, Hinxton, Cambridge (22 - 23 Oct 15)
BioMedBridges Open Symposium, Hinxton, UK (17-18 Nov 15) (…)
Information on upcoming ELIXIR Technical Coordinators meetings can be found here (…) .