Key Contributors Update, 3 May 2019

This update is sent weekly on Friday afternoon and goes to ELIXIR key stakeholders. It contains requests for actions regarding operations and developments within ELIXIR. Contact for any questions.

An ELIXIR HoNs shared folder including meeting materials from HoN meetings, reference documents, slides & graphics archive can be found on google drive.

For action

Ongoing Final Reminder! The call for nominations for Platform ExCo positions remains open, more information is available on the ELIXIR website.

Heads of Nodes are invited to submit nominations until the closing date of Fri, 10 May. No submissions will be considered after this date.

Please submit nominations or direct questions to Susanna (

For information

The ELIXIR::GA4GH Strategic Partnership was launched this week at the GA4GH Connect meeting in Hinxton. Serena Scollen (ELIXIR::GA4GH Strategic Partnership Champion) presented the new form of collaboration at both the opening plenary session of the meeting and at the GA4GH Steering Committee. A press release was jointly published by ELIXIR and GA4GH to describe the Strategic Partnership and an accompanying video graphic was published on social media.

The internal ELIXIR live document focusing on the operationalisation of the Strategic Partnership is described in this living document, and this will be discussed at the forthcoming Heads of Nodes Retreat.

Additionally, Serena Scollen (Head of Human Genomics and Translational Data) presented at a meeting of National Initiative leaders this week at the Wellcome Trust in London jointly hosted by GA4GH, Genomics England, and Australian Genomics. As National Initiatives across the globe consider the means of managing and accessing sensitive human data across national boundaries the infrastructure ELIXIR has developed, which includes GA4GH standards, can be considered for use and we will continue to position ELIXIR strategically for these efforts as they arise. Ilkka Lappalainen (ELIXIR-FI Deputy Head of Node and Federated Human Data Community co-lead), Thomas Keane (Federated Human Data Community co-lead) led a breakout session on Genomic Data Access & Sharing. The meeting was also attended by Gary Saunders (ELIXIR Human Data Coordinator), Sergi Beltran (Rare Diseases Community co-lead), and Michael Baudis (ELIXIR Beacons co-lead).

Key dates and meetings

Heads of Nodes retreat

  • 13-14 May 2019, Woking (Heathrow), UK

Heads of Nodes meeting (additional)

  • 18 June 2019, Lisbon, Portugal @ All Hands

Heads of Nodes TC

  • 11 September 2019

Heads of Nodes TC

  • 5 December 2019