The update to ELIXIR Heads of Nodes is sent weekly on Friday afternoon. Training and Technical Coordinators are also copied in. Contact for any questions.
Action items
New 'Services' section of the ELIXIR Website
We are developing a new 'Services' section for the ELIXIR website, which will list all ELIXIR services from those Nodes that have completed a Service Delivery Plan. Could you please check the entries for your services, if they are there? .The text used to describe the service currently comes from the Service Delivery Plan, but you may wish to edit further. For Nodes that have not yet developed SDPs, the list will be updated and included on website once these are concluded.
This page is not linked to from anywhere yet. If you log in to the site you can edit your own entry. You can log in here: If you don't have an account then click the 'Register' button.
Once you are logged in you can use the 'Edit' tab to edit the information about your service. We would like to launch the section on 15 February. If you don't get a chance to look at your entry before then, you will still be able to edit your service information any time by logging in to the website. Note that once the pages are launched then changes will be moderated to ensure consistency in grammar and style across the site.
If you have any queries, or would like to send changes by email, then please contact Martin Cook at
ELIXIR Annual Report 2016 - Input from Nodes
A reminder that as in previous years, we will include a summary of activities in ELIXIR Nodes in the ELIXIR 2016 Annual report. To collect the content from the Nodes, we've prepared an online form, which HoNs are asked to fill in by 1 March 2017
See the relevant pages from the ELIXIR 2015 Annual Report for a better idea of what kind of information we are looking for.We will draft the first version of the Annual Report and share it with you for comments during the first weeks of April. The text will be reviewed by the ELIXIR Board at its Spring meeting on 24-25 April 2017. We are aiming to have the print version by the end of May 2017.
For information
Core Data Resources Selection Process
Thank you for returning your assessments of the ELIXIR Core Data Resources proposals. The agenda for the ELIXIR HoNs meeting on Monday to review the proposals for ELIXIR Core Data Resources can be found here. Note there is the option to join the meeting via VC for those not able to attend in person. See details on the agenda provided.
ScienceEurope position paper on research infrastructures in Horizon 2020
ScienceEurope has published a position paper on the role of research infrastructures in Horizon 2020. Many of the points made in the position reflect ELIXIR's view, such as the need for a larger budget for infrastructures and more appropriate schemes to fund operations.
Key dates and meetings
Heads of Node meeting (to review submissions to the ELIXIR Core Data Resource Process)
- 6 February 2017, Heathrow, UK
Heads of Node TC
- 17 March 2017, 14.00-16.00 UK time/15.00-17.00 CET.
ELIXIR All Hands meeting
- 21-23 March 2017, Rome, Italy (preceded by ELIXIR SAB meeting, 20 March 2017)
ELIXIR-EXCELERATE midterm review
- 10 May 2017, Brussels, Belgium
ELIXIR Policy event:
- 11 May 2017, Brussels, Belgium, Time and agenda TBC
Heads of Node retreat
- 13 - 14 June 2017, location TBC
Heads of Node meeting (to review the 2018 Work Plan and Budget)
- 13 September 2017, Date and location TBC
Heads of Node TC
- 5 December 2017, 13.00 - 16.00 UK time/14.00 - 17.00 CET