For Information
We were pleased to see the much anticipated Digital Europe call: DIGITAL-2021-CLOUD-AI-01-FEI-DS-GENOMICS Federated European infrastructure for genomics data was published on 17 November.
The aim of this topic is to achieve sustainable cross-border linkage of and access to a multitude of genomic and related phenotypic, clinical and other datasets across Europe based on the progress achieved in the context of the 1+ Million Genomes initiative (1+MG) and the B1MG project. It will develop the governance and sustainability plan for the resulting infrastructure by the end of the project and at the same time provide coordination and support for the Genome of Europe multi country project and develop communication to foster Citizen and Patient engagement that will be implemented at the national level.
The ELIXIR Hub will coordinate a proposal submission on behalf of the 1+MG Member State Representatives, which will be also open to countries that havent signed the Declaration. Participation will be driven by MS who will select organisations that have the capacity to deploy and operate the data infrastructure. The partner selection activity will not be led by the ELIXIR Hub or Nodes.
Should you have any question, please contact The submission deadline is Tuesday, 22 February 2022.
Key Dates and Meetings
Heads of Nodes TC
9 December 2021 | 11:00-14:00 (CET)
Heads of Nodes TC
2 February 2022 | 11:00-14:00 (CEST)
Heads of Nodes Retreat
11-12 May 2022 (Location TBA)