Key Contributors Update, 29 May 2020

An ELIXIR HoNs shared folder including meeting materials from HoN meetings, reference documents, slides & graphics archive can be found on Google Drive.

For Action Ongoing

Final Reminder!
Nodes are requested to provide feedback on the topic of "Individual membership of ELIXIR, as discussed with Heads of Nodes at the last TC on 6 May. We would like to know if the proposed benefits to individual members outlined in the following slides are suitable for ELIXIR Nodes.

We would also appreciate information on how Nodes determine who is a (individual) member of the Node.

For questions or to submit feedback, please contact Andy Smith ( by Friday, 5 June.

Final Reminder!
The EMBL-EBI is calling for participants to help develop and explore models for data submissions brokering between ELIXIR node data management platforms and ELIXIR Deposition Databases. Data submissions brokering describes a mutually beneficial and long-term partnership for both parties and ELIXIR-CONVERGEs Expert Network work package brings the opportunity to investigate brokering in detail.

We invite interested ELIXIR Nodes to contact Guy Cochrane ( by Tuesday, 2 June to express an interest, with a view to discussions during the All-Hands meeting. A call for participation is available on Google Drive.

For Information

The AAI task is rolling out a new improved tool that relying service admins can use to register new relying services and that Heads of Nodes or Tech Coordinators can use to approve the registrations.

The tool is ready to be launched - the draft is available on Google Drive. Please send questions to Jonathan Tedds (

The minutes of the Heads of Nodes Teleconference from 6 May are available on Google Drive. We invite you to send comments to Joana (

The minutes will be considered approved on Fri, 9 June.

Key Dates and Meetings

Heads of Nodes TC

10 September 2020 | 9:30-12:30 (WEST) / 10:30-13:30 (CEST)

ELIXIR CDR and EDD ranking meeting

27 October 2020 | Amsterdam

Heads of Nodes TC

3 December 2020