For Information
The 17th ELIXIR Board meeting took place this week from 27-28 April. We were happy to welcome Board members and Heads of Nodes in Tallinn, Estonia.
At the meeting, the Board approved the ELIXIR Annual Report 2021 and thanked everyone in ELIXIR who contributed to collating its content.
The Board additionally approved the addition of a new member to the ELIXIR Industry Advisory Committee (IAC), which will be communicated once the position has been accepted by the candidate.
The Chair of the ELIXIR Scientific Advisory Board, Francis Ouellette joined the meeting virtually to present the SABs feedback from its meeting from February, which was well received.
The Board was furthermore provided with an update on developments regarding the planning for the 2024-28 ELIXIR Programme and engaged in a discussion regarding the legal entity for the implementation of the
1+ Million Genomes initiative and implications for ELIXIR.
For questions about the meeting or its outcomes, please contact Jo Wingender (
Key Dates and Meetings
Heads of Nodes Retreat
11-12 May 2022 (Prague, Czech Republic)
Heads of Nodes TC
14 September 2022 | 11:00-14:00 (CEST)
8 December 2022 | 11:00-14:00 (CET)