This update is sent weekly on Friday afternoon and goes to ELIXIR key stakeholders. It contains requests for actions regarding operations and developments within ELIXIR. Contact for any questions.
An ELIXIR HoNs shared folder including meeting materials from HoN meetings, reference documents, slides & graphics archive can be found on google drive.
For action
Ongoing Final Reminder! Heads of Nodes wishing to participate in the additional HoN meeting, taking place 18 June, from 13:00-14:00 (WEST) / 14:00-15:00 (CEST) during the 2019 All Hands in Lisbon are asked to please register via Eventbrite by Fri, 31 May. Final Reminder! At the Heads of Nodes Retreat, it was agreed ELIXIR would establish a Biodiversity Working Group, with the broad aim to capitalise on the opportunities in this area. Heads of Nodes are thus invited to nominate one or more key contacts from their Node, if their Node is interested in becoming involved in this effort.
Please send names to Jerry Lanfear ( by Fri, 31 May.
For information
We are pleased to announce the 2021 Heads of Nodes Retreat has been scheduled to take place 11-12 May 2021.
The upcoming Retreats are taking place on the following dates:
- 2020 HoN Retreat: 6-7 May 2020
- 2021 HoN Retreat: 11-12 May 2021 For acknowledging ELIXIR core funding (e.g. Commissioned Services, sponsorship for workshop costs, travel grants, etc), the following text should be used:
"This work was funded by ELIXIR, the research infrastructure for life-science data."
This allows us to better detect published materials resulting from ELIXIR-funded work, and in turn helps demonstrate scientific impact and related achievements to our funders.
For Nodes that would like to explore this text-mining approach for their Node-funded activities, please contact Corinne Martin ( The ELIXIR Publication Principles provide further guidelines on how to reference ELIXIR correctly, in e.g. European Union grants linked to ELIXIR.
Key dates and meetings
Heads of Nodes meeting (additional)
- 18 June 2019, Lisbon, Portugal @ All Hands
Heads of Nodes TC
- 11 September 2019
Heads of Nodes TC
- 5 December 2019