For Action
Final Reminder! Request for nominations for open ExCo positions
As Heads of Nodes were informed via e-mail on 10 March, the call for nominations for one Platform ExCo position remains open. As discussed at the HoN TC in February, we have one open position in the Compute Platform. Detailed instructions, including the link to the Nomination Support Statement form to be used for submitting nominations can be found on the ELIXIR website.
As informed via e-mail on 10 March and to ensure we have a balanced ExCo group, Heads of Nodes are kindly asked to consider gender balance, and by extension all underrepresented groups, as well as opportunities for junior staff when providing nominations.
We invite Heads of Nodes to submit nominations until the closing date of Friday, 31 March. No submissions will be considered after this date.
Please submit any nominations or questions to Ivana Ilijai Veri (susanna.repo [at] (i)ivana.versic [at] by 31 March.
Registration open for Heads of Nodes Retreat, May 2023
The registration link for the ELIXIR Heads of Nodes Retreat was sent to Heads of Nodes on Tuesday, 14 March. All relevant information regarding accommodation arrangements can be found on Eventscase.
Heads of Nodes planning to participate in the Retreat are asked to please complete the registration by Friday, 14 April.
The meeting agenda and relevant documents will be circulated to Heads of Nodes on 27 April.
For questions regarding the content of the meeting, please contact Jo Wingender (joana.wingender [at]
For logistical questions regarding the accommodation arrangements, please contact Zuzana Clarke (zuzana.clarke [at]
We look forward to seeing Heads of Nodes in Prague!
Key Dates and Meetings
10-11 May 2023 | (Prague, Czech Republic)
14 September 2023 | 11:00-14:00 (CEST)
7 December 2023 | 11:00-14:00 (CET)