This update is sent weekly on Friday afternoon and goes to ELIXIR key stakeholders. It contains requests for actions regarding operations and developments within ELIXIR. Contact for any questions.
An ELIXIR HoNs shared folder including meeting materials from HoN meetings, reference documents, slides and graphics archive can be found on google drive.
For action
The Registration for the HoN meeting at the ECCB in Athens remains open. The meeting is scheduled to take place on Thu, 13 September from 08:30-15:00 EEST at the ECCB venue at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center. Please register for the meeting via Eventbrite.
This meeting is for the ELIXIR Heads of Nodes. Platform ExCos are welcome to attend the meeting, too, however, their presence is not specifically requested. The agenda and relevant documents will be circulated to HoN shortly.
Thank you to all who provided input to the 2018 update of ELIXIRs International Strategy. The draft will be formatted and launched at the upcoming International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI) in Vienna on Wednesday, 12 September, and also available on the ELIXIR website from this date.
Should you wish to add any final comments, please do so by Fri, 31 August. For feedback or further questions, feel free to contact Andy Smith (
For action
Final Reminder! The ELIXIR Federated Human Data Community has been preparing a Strategic Implementation Study for 2019-21. The vision is to create a federated ecosystem of interoperable services that enables population scale genomic and biomolecular data to be accessible across international borders accelerating research and improving the health of individuals resident across Europe. The plans align with the discussions we have had around the recent declaration about creating access to a million European genomes and builds on the response to the survey we send out before summer. We would like to arrange a teleconference for all Nodes that are interested in participating in this project.
We therefore invite you, or a nominated delegate, to complete this Doodle Poll by Fri, 31 August. We expect one reply per Node. If your Node does not plan to participate in the Federated Human Data project, there is no need to reply.
Please direct any questions to our Human Data Coordinator, Gary Saunders (
Final Reminder! The ELIXIR Rare Diseases Community is currently preparing an application for the Community-lead Implementation Study call. In order to widen participation in this application, the ELIXIR Rare Diseases Community has generated a brief survey which we now ask you, or a delegate, to complete.
Please coordinate completion of this survey by Fri, 31 August. We expect one reply per Node. If your Node does not plan to participate in the RD Community application, a reply is not required.
If you have further questions, please contact our Human Data Coordinator, Gary Saunders (
For information
The ELIXIR-EXCELERATE Milestone M10.4 is now ready, consisting of a report to the HoN describing the successful work in capacity building in the area of genome assembly and annotation. This is a highly specialised area which makes it suitable to European collaboration in building a community of practice. The report describes the experiences from the first three years and gives recommendations on how to set up a similar Community of practice for other subjects. The report is available on Google Drive.
For information
We are happy to announce that on 13 August the European Commission announced that the EOSC-Life Horizon 2020 proposal was positively evaluated and thus the Grant Agreement preparation stage will now begin. ELIXIR is coordinating this Cluster project, which brings together all 13 ESFRI Biomedical Research Infrastructures.
ELIXIR will have a booth at the ECCB 2018 Conference, taking place from 8-12 September in Athens, Greece. ELIXIR Nodes are invited to bring flyers which can be displayed at the ELIXIR booth to present their activities. You can either bring your materials directly to the booth, or post them to the Hub. If you have any questions, please contact our Events Officer, Melissa Balzano (
The second ELIXIR GDPR workshop will be held in Brussels on Fri, 10 December 2018. This workshop aims to discuss the challenges of GDPR for the ELIXIR Nodes. Based on the example of a few use cases, the needs for tools and solutions will be identified. As an outcome, a roadmap will be defined and a corresponding working group created to pursue the implementation of this roadmap.
This event targets the Technical Coordinators in the ELIXIR Nodes and, where applicable, the data protection experts of the Node. If you wish to participate, please register for the workshop via Eventbrite until the end of October. The agenda for can be found on Google Drive. Any persons wishing to present at the event, or for general questions, please contact ELIXIR Human Data Coordinator, Gary Saunders ( at the Hub.
Key dates and meetings
Heads of Nodes meeting @ ECCB 2018
- 13 September 2018, Athens, Greece
ELIXIR Board meeting
- 12-13 November 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia
ELIXIR 5th Anniversary event
- 11 December 2018, Brussels, Belgium
Heads of Nodes meeting
- 12 December 2018, Brussels, Belgium