Key Contributors Update 23rd January 2015

Action items

This week's actions:

For information

Ongoing activities

HoN quarterly TC - May/June

We would like to get a date in the diary for your next quarterly TC, to take place in May/June.In order that a mutually convenient date might be found for this, please complete this Doodle poll ( at your earliest convenience and by Monday 26 January.An agenda for the HoN teleconference on 4 February will be made available shortly.

HoN f-2-f meeting - 21 October

We are looking to organise a f-2-f meeting for you and the EXCELERATE WP leaders. We propose to hold this before the Board meeting, to cut down on travel. As a first step, please complete this Doodle poll ( to indicate your availability for this meeting to take place on 21 October. Should this date prove difficult, we will Doodle for other dates.

Node Contacts for Data and Software Carpentry

ELIXIR UK is looking to identify Node Contacts to help support the ELIXIR Training Coordinators in the pilot "Working up and building the foundation for Data Carpentry and Software Carpentry within ELIXIR", which will include a series of initial events across different ELIXIR Nodes; and to act as first point of contact for Data Carpentry and Software Carpentry issues within their Node. More information can be found at (…) .Anyone interested in taking part is asked to contact Aleksandra Pawlik (…) ASAP.Please circulate this information to relevant individuals within your Node.

Update on the ELIXIR Webinar Series

The first 'ELIXIR webinar' took place this week, with Niklas giving a general introduction to ELIXIR and an update on ongoing activities.The recording from the webinar is now available via the ELIXIR Website ( ; as is a schedule of upcoming events.If you are interested in leading a session please contact ( .

Posts at the ELIXIR Hub

The following posts are now open:ELIXIR Data Coordinator/Chief Data Officer (… Communications and Community Outreach Officer (… to both posts are available via the 'vacancies' ( page on the ELIXIR website. Please circulate this information to anyone you think might be interested in applying.The interviews for both posts will be taking place Monday 23rd Feb, Tuesday 24th Feb and Wednesday 25th Feb. We are still looking for volunteers to assist with ELIXIR Data Coordinator/Chief Data Officer technical 1:1 interviews either via teleconference or videoconference.If you are available and would like to be involved, please let Niklas and Branka (,%20branka.stekovic@elixir-euro…) know.If there are vacancies at your Nodes which you would like us to advertise, please send the details to (… information and opportunities which may be of interest to ELIXIR Nodes

BBMRI 'Data protection for health - enabling research for health' meeting, Brussels - 28 January 2015

BBMRI are holding a meeting in Brussels on 28 January to present the views of medical researchers and patients on the impact of the data protection Regulation on scientific research, at the time the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament begin negotiations on a compromise text.

BioMedBridges knowledge exchange workshop: Data strategies for research infrastructures

BioMedBridges will be hosting a one-day knowledge exchange workshop on data strategies for research infrastructure at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) headquarters - in Garching, outside of Munich, Germany - on Thursday 19 February 2015.Further details and registration for the workshop can be found on the BioMedBridges website (…) .

ELIXIR Literature and Branded Merchandise

Just a reminder that the ELIXIR Hub carries a stock of ELIXIR Literature and Branded Merchandise available to ELIXIR Nodes, please do let us if you would like materials sending out to you for distribution within your Nodes and at your local events.Requests should be sent to: (…)

Reminder of Key Meetings/DatesHoN Teleconference (4 Feb 15, 13:00-16:00 UK time)ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum event, Wageningen, Netherlands (18-19 Mar 15) (…)ELIXIR 'all-hands' meeting, Hinxton (30 - 31 Mar 15)ELIXIR Board meeting, Geneva, Switzerland (13-14 Apr 15)ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum event, Basel, Switzerland (9 June 15) (…)ELIXIR Board meeting, Hinxton, Cambridge (22 - 23 Oct 15)BioMedBridges Open Symposium, Hinxton, UK (17-18 Nov 15) (…)Information on upcoming ELIXIR Technical Coordinators meetings can be found here (…) .