The update to ELIXIR Heads of Nodes is sent weekly on Friday afternoon. Training and Technical Coordinators are also copied in. Contact for any questions.
Important updates
Date confirmed for HoNs meeting, February 2017
The F-2-F meeting, specifically for HoNs to review submissions to the ELIXIR Core Data Resource Process, has now been confirmed to take place on 6 February 2017. Further details regarding the meeting will be made available in due course. In the meantime please hold the date in your diaries.
Heads of Nodes are asked to submit nominations for external reviewers to join the external review panel for the selection of Core Data Resources. See details below.
Minutes from ELIXIR HoNs teleconference, October 2016
Minutes from the HoNs teleconference on are now available on Google drive. Please send any comments on the minutes to by 4 November 2016.
Action items
Nominations for external reviewers for the selection of Core Data Resources
As discussed at the HoN meeting on Friday, the ELIXIR SAB recommended the use of external experts, in addition to the HoN committee, in the review of candidate Core Data Resources.
The suggestion is to invite academic and industry experts with strong emphasis on finding reviewers who do not have ties with those candidate data resources. We will look to use members of the the ELIXIR IAC for industry expertise, but would like to ask the HoN to nominate reviewers from academia. They should be senior, active researchers. We also welcome nominations for reviewers with background and expertise on infrastructure services.
Please submit your nominations by Monday 7 November to The external review panel will be selected by Director in consultation with the Data Platform.
Suggestions for talks at ELIXIR All Hands 2017
A reminder that there is opportunity to organise several flashtalks and workshops as part of the ELIXIR All Hands taking place 21-23 March in Rome. To get your ideas on the content of these talks please use this google document to submit your suggestions before Friday 28 October.
For information
ELIXIR submission to the NIH Consultation on digital repositories
The final version of the ELIXIR submission to the NIH Consultation on digital repositories can now be found on google drive.
Key dates and meetings
Heads of Node teleconference
- 8 December 2016, 9-12.00 UK time
Heads of Node meeting (to review submissions to the ELIXIR Core Data Resource Process)
- 6 February 2017, location TBC (major airport)
ELIXIR All Hands meeting
- 21-23 March 2017, Rome, Italy (preceded by ELIXIR SAB meeting, 20 March 2017)
ELIXIR-EXCELERATE midterm review
- 10 May 2017, Brussels, Belgium. Time and agenda TBC.
ELIXIR Policy event:
- 11 May 2017, Brussels, Belgium, Time and agenda TBC