The update to ELIXIR Heads of Nodes is sent weekly on Friday afternoon. Training and Technical Coordinators are also copied in. Contact for any questions.
Action items
Registration for ELIXIR HoNs meeting in Basel
A reminder that registration is now open for the next ELIXIR HoNs meeting which will take place alongside the BC[2] conference in Basel, Switzerland on 13 September 2017. Registration and further information regarding the meeting can be found here. Please register for the meeting as soon as possible and by 28 August at the latest if you plan to attend.
External reviewers needed - Request for Proposals - Integration of Data Resources from ELIXIR Nodes
A reminder to please pass on the names of people you feel would be appropriate for the External Review panel to review proposals for the integration of Data Resources from ELIXIR Node to, by 10 August. Any queries please contact Rachel Drysdale.
For information
Sheena Lee has joined us this week as ELIXIR Administrative Officer, replacing Nicola Kay, who goes on maternity leave from 9 August - 3 Jan 2018, and then in March 2018 moves on from ELIXIR after completing 9 years. Sheena's email address is
Key dates and meetings
Heads of Node meeting (to review the 2018 Work Plan and Budget)
- 13 September 2017, Basel, Switzerland
Heads of Node TC
- 5 December 2017, 13.00 - 16.00 UK time/14.00 - 17.00 CET
ELIXIR SAB meeting
- 1-2 February 2018, Hinxton, UK (ELIXIR HoNs welcome to attend by open invitation)
Heads of Node TC
- 2 March 2018, 13.00-16.00 UK time /14.00-17.00 CET
Heads of Nodes meeting @ ELIXIR All Hands
- 6-7 June 2018, Berlin, Germany
Heads of Nodes meeting @ ECCB 2018
- to be held alongside ECCB conference taking place 9-12 September 2018 in Athens, Greece. Time/date TBC.
Heads of Node TC
- 7 December 2018, 13.00-16.00 UK time /14.00-17.00 CET