The update to ELIXIR Heads of Nodes is sent weekly on Friday afternoon. Training and Technical Coordinators are also copied in. Contact for any questions.
Action items
EXCELERATE Work Package leaders' phone conference
The first EXCELERATE Work Package leaders' phone conference takes place on Friday 27 May at 13:00-17:00 UK time. If you are an EXCELERATE Work Package leader but cannot participate in the TC, nominate a substitute.
The main focus of the phone conference will be to check on progress in all work packages on the large number of milestones and deliverables due in August.
For your information
Linked Third parties in Horizon 2020
For Nodes in the process of establishing their formal legal framework, the information on Linked Third Parties in Horizon 2020 grants may be useful to consult in order to ensure that the structures put in place fulfill the requirements.
Heads of Node retreat
You will receive the agenda for the Heads of Node retreat (14-15 June 2016) in the next HoN update on Friday 27 May 2016. Register as soon as possible if you haven't done so.
Communications strategy consultation
The consultation on the ELIXIR Communications strategy will close on Monday next week (23 May). You can add your comments directly to the draft in Google doc.
Key dates and meetings
Heads of Node retreats
- 14-15 June 2016 | Windsor, UK
- 4 September (TBC), The Hague, Netherlands (during the ECCB 2016)
Heads of Node Teleconference
- 8 December 2016, 9-12.00 UK time