Key Contributors Update 2 December 2016

The update to ELIXIR Heads of Nodes is sent weekly on Friday afternoon. Training and Technical Coordinators are also copied in. Contact for any questions.

For information

Agenda for HoN TC

The agenda for the ELIXIR HoNs TC on Thursday 8 December 2016, 09:00 - 12:00 UK Time/10:00-13:00 CET and two project plans for review at the TC (ELIXIRHON/2016/17) are now available via google drive.

Alongside HoNs, platform leaders are also invited to take part in the teleconference to provide a short summary of their platform road maps where available.

Registration for SAB meeting at ELIXIR All Hands

HoNs are invited by open invitation to attend the ELIXIR SAB meeting to be held alongside the ELIXIR All Hands on 20 March 2017, 12.00 - 18.00. Please register if you would like to attend.

ELIXIR-EXCELERATE mid-term review - 10 May, Brussels

ELIXIR-EXCELERATE mid-term review meeting will take place 10 May 2017. Attendance is by invitation only and full details and agenda will be sent to EXCELERATE partners in due course.

Any enquiries about the ELIXIR-EXCELERATE mid-term review meeting should be sent to

Registrations can be made here.

Reports from ELIXIR RDA group

Two new reports from the ELIXIR RDA group on recent meetings where they have represented ELIXIR can now be found via the ELIXIR Intranet.

Key dates and meetings

Heads of Node teleconference

  • 8 December 2016, 9-12.00 UK time

Heads of Node meeting (to review submissions to the ELIXIR Core Data Resource Process)

  • 6 February 2017, Heathrow, UK

ELIXIR All Hands meeting

  • 21-23 March 2017, Rome, Italy (preceded by ELIXIR SAB meeting, 20 March 2017)

ELIXIR-EXCELERATE midterm review

  • 10 May 2017, Brussels, Belgium

ELIXIR Policy event:

  • 11 May 2017, Brussels, Belgium, Time and agenda TBC