Key Contributors Update, 19 November 2021

For Action: Ongoing

ELIXIR CoG Form for submission

We would like to thank Nodes which have completed the ELIXIR CoG form, circulated by the ELIXIR Hub on 11 October.

Nodes who have not yet completed the CoG form are kindly requested to submit it as soon as they get the chance.

For questions, please contact David Lloyd (

For Information

ELIXIR 2024-28 Programme consultations

The ELIXIR Hub has begun to run the 2024-28 Programme consultations, which will be occurring from November to mid-January 2022.

Further details of the programme, including the current planned consultations can be found on the ELIXIR website.

For questions, please contact Jerry Lanfear (

Consultation event on international engagement for ELIXIR Programme for 2024-2028

On 30 November the Hub will organise an online event with the aim to provide ELIXIR Nodes with an opportunity to influence international engagement as part of the upcoming ELIXIR Programme for 2024-2028. The events outputs will also strongly influence the 2022 update of ELIXIRs International Strategy as part of ELIXIR-CONVERGE Task 4.3.

The event is open to anyone in ELIXIR who has an interest in international engagement in the context of ELIXIRs work, whether or not they are involved in the ELIXIR-CONVERGE project. Joining instructions will be sent upon registration. Registration and additional details can be found on the ELIXIR website.

For questions regarding the event, please contact Corinne Martin (

Key Dates and Meetings

Heads of Nodes TC

9 December 2021 | 11:00-14:00 (CET)

Heads of Nodes TC

2 February 2022 | 11:00-14:00 (CEST)

Heads of Nodes Retreat

11-12 May 2022 (Location TBA)