Key Contributors Update 19 June 2015

Action items

From last week's update:- Complete Capacity building template (…) by 21 June (acquirer Nodes only).- Let Andy Smith know if you have any comments for inclusion in ELIXIRs response toEFPIA's consultation on Big Data for Better Outcomes (…) by next Thursday 25 June.- Sign up (…) to help out at the ELIXIR booth at ISMB/ECCB by 30 June.- Connect to ELIXIR's LinkedIn page ( if you have not done so already.

Ongoing activities

Minutes for HoN TC

The minutes from the ELIXIR HoNs TC held 4 June 2015 can now be found here (…) .If you have any comments to raise regarding the minutes please let us know within a period of two weeks.A reminder that the next meeting is a face-to-face meeting and takes place 2-3 September.The main topics for discussion will be: the annual workplan and budget for 2016, and EXCELERATE plans, however, there is room for other topics. Therefore, the Hub would like to form a programme committee for this meeting. If you are interested in being part of the programme planning, please contact ( or ( . If you have any topics that you would like to be included, similarly, contact the above.Also if you are interested in taking part in the testing of the ELIXIR intranet, being built on Drupal and to be accessed via the ELIXIR website, to contact ( for further information.

Outcomes from the ELIXIR SAB summer TC

The ELIXIR SAB held their summer TC yesterday.The main purpose of the meeting was to update the SAB on progress since the last meeting, as well as discuss the proposed priorities for 2016 and gain input from the SAB on areas for consideration, which will be used to feed into discussion at the ELIXIR HoNs/EXCELERATE WP leaders meeting on 2-3rd September.The SAB report from the meeting will be made available in due course.

Second version of the draft EXCELERATE Consortium Agreement

A second version of the EXCELERATE Consortium Agreement has now been distributed, with further comments to be received back by 26 June. The final version of the Consortium Agreement will be distributed on 3 July, with signed agreements to be returned to the ELIXIR Hub by 10 July (to be complete before Grant Agreement signature by 16 July).

Reminder regarding the EXCELERATE and CORBEL calendars

Both EXCELERATE (… ) and CORBEL (…) have project calendars available for people to subscribe to, to which all project-related meetings/workshops and other key dates will be added.Also a reminder that the kick-off meeting for CORBEL will take place at on 19th of November, alongside the BioMedBridges final Symposium to be held 17th and 18th of November, and the EXCELERATE kick off meeting will take place on 10th of December 2015, alongside the ELIXIR SAB annual meeting taking place on the 8th and 9th of December.

Call for ELSI experts to join the ELIXIR SAB

A call has been launched inviting experts on Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) to put themselves forward to join the nine existing members of the ELIXIR SAB in order to ensure ELSI considerations are firmly embedded into ELIXIR's scientific review processes. The deadline for applications is 14 September 2015.The ELIXIR Board will then appoint the additional members to the ELIXIR SAB at its autumn meeting to be held in Hinxton on 22-23 October 2015.Further information on the role of the SAB, the process for the appointment of the additional members and document for completion by those interested in applying are available via the ELIXIR website (…) .Please circulate this information to anyone to whom it may be of interest.

ELIXIR 2014 Annual Report

The ELIXIR 2014 Annual Report is now available online via the ELIXIR Website:… should have by now already received hard copies of the report though the post, if you would like additional copies please contact: (

Update from the ELIXIR TrCG

TrCG is in the process of linking the Training Platform with other platforms and WP. A TrCG representative will be in contact with Platform leaders in the next couple of weeks.- The training activity: ELIXIR/GOBLET hackathon for metagenomic training material re-use will be funded by the ELIXIR Hub and the ELIXIR-GOBLET team is planning the workshop.- ISBE has expressed interest in collaborating with ELIXIR in the field of training.The minutes from the TrCG monthly meeting 10^th of June can be found here (…) .

ELIXIR-GA4GH collaboration

ELIXIR has partnered with the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) to work on the Beacon project ( . The new collaboration, will kick off in September 2015, its goal is to provide consent-based access to genomic data in the European Genome-phenome Archive ( as well as national resources in Finland, Sweden and the Netherlands.Further details:…

Webinar on ELIXIR Marine metagenomics pilot action

The webinar presented this week by Espen Mikal Robertsen and Inge Alexander Raknes from ELIXIR Norway on the ELIXIR Pilot Action launched in 2014 looking to harmonize existing pipelines and develop new, or improve established components, in the pipelines in order to establish long-term sustainable service platforms, and to start to build a "user community" for marine metagenomics analysis in ELIXIR, as part of the ongoing ELIXIR Webinar Series ( , is now available for viewing via the ELIXIR website (…) .Webinars take place at the same time every third Wednesday of each month (2pm UK time / 3 pm CET) and are open to anyone interested in participating, with a presentation followed by opportunity for questions and discussion.

Vacancy at the ELIXIR Hub

The ELIXIR Hub is currently hiring for the post of:

Web Developer
Full details can be found on the ELIXIR vacancies page (…) .

News from the ELIXIR Nodes

ELIXIR Norway seeks postdoctoral fellow to work on ELIXIR projects

ELIXIR-Norway is seeking a postdoctoral fellow in bioinformatics to work with ELIXIR partners to develop data formats and ontologies facilitating integrative bioinformatics.Closing date for applications is Friday 7th August 2015Full details can be found on the ELIXIR vacancies page (…) .

Reminder of Key Meetings/Dates

ELIXIR Data and Software Carpentry Hackathon (…) and Data Carpentry Workshop (…) , Utrecht, The Netherlands (22-25 June)

HoN and EXCELERATE WP leads meeting (2-3 Sept)ELIXIR Board meeting, Hinxton, Cambridge (22 - 23 Oct)Symposium: Open bridges for life science data, Hinxton, UK (17-18 Nov) (…)CORBEL Kick off meeting (19 Nov)

ELIXIR SAB/EXCELERATE kick off meeting (8-10 Dec)ELIXIR all-hands meeting (8-9 Mar 2016)

Information on upcoming TrCG meetings can be found here (…)