Key Contributors Update, 18 April 2019

This update is sent weekly on Friday afternoon and goes to ELIXIR key stakeholders. It contains requests for actions regarding operations and developments within ELIXIR. Contact for any questions.

An ELIXIR HoNs shared folder including meeting materials from HoN meetings, reference documents, slides & graphics archive can be found on google drive.

For action

Ongoing Final Reminder! Heads of Nodes wishing to attend the HoN Retreat from 13-14 May are reminded to register via Eventbrite.

This meeting is for the ELIXIR Heads of Nodes only. Deputy HoN are encouraged to participate only in the event that the Head of Node is unable to join the meeting.

The agenda and relevant documents will be circulated to HoN in due time. Registration deadline is Fri, 26 April. The 11th ELIXIR Board meeting took place from 15-16 April in Bergen, Norway.

At the meeting the Board approved the Commissioned Services Contracts of Implementation Studies to begin 1 June, as well as the Collaboration Agreement submitted by Greece.

The minutes of the meeting will be shared with Board members in the coming weeks, with Heads of Nodes in copy.

For information

We wish everyone in ELIXIR a lovely Easter break!

Key dates and meetings

Heads of Nodes retreat

  • 13-14 May 2019, Woking (Heathrow), UK

Heads of Nodes meeting

  • 18 June 2019, Lisbon, Portugal

Heads of Nodes TC

  • 11 September 2019

Heads of Nodes TC

  • 5 December 2019