Key Contributors Update, 16 December 2022

For Action


Final Reminder! HoN Written Procedure

Following the discussion at the Heads of Nodes TC on 8 December, we hereby share with Heads of Nodes the following two documents for agreement by Written Procedure:

- ELIXIRHON/2022/25 - Ambitions and outcomes & Part A version3 of the 2024-28 ELIXIR Programme
- ELIXIRHON/2022/26 - Invitation of the Data Management community as an emerging ELIXIR Community

Heads of Nodes are kindly asked to agree on the two documents above and send feedback to Ivana Ilijai Veri (ivana.versic [at] as soon as possible and latest by Friday, 23 December.

Final Reminder! HoN Written Procedure

Heads of Nodes are asked to note the following document containing ELIXIR's response to the SAB Reports from the SAB meetings from February and June 2022 for review by Written Procedure:

- ELIXIRHON/2022/24 - Directors Response to SAB Reports from the 2022 meetings

Heads of Nodes are kindly asked to review and send feedback to Ivana Ilijai Veri (ivana.versic [at] as soon as possible and latest by Friday, 23 December.

Key Dates and Meetings

Heads of Nodes TC

2 February 2023 | 11:00-14:00 (CET)

Heads of Nodes Retreat

10-11 May 2023 | (Prague, Czech Republic)

Heads of Nodes TC

14 September 2023 | 11:00-14:00 (CEST)