This update is sent weekly on Friday afternoon and goes to ELIXIR key stakeholders. It contains requests for actions regarding operations and developments within ELIXIR. Contact for any questions.
An ELIXIR HoNs shared folder including meeting materials from HoN meetings, reference documents, slides & graphics archive can be found on google drive.
For action
New The call for applicants to form an ELIXIR team for the 3rd edition of the Executive Masters in Management of Research Infrastructures is now open. Applications will be accepted until Fri, 20 September.
We welcome applications from:
Heads of Nodes (or Deputies)
Node coordinators
Technical coordinators
Training coordinators
Or individuals from a Node with an equivalent role as the above.
Detailed information can be found on the Google Drive.
For action
Ongoing Final Reminder! Heads of Nodes are reminded that the invitation for nominations for ELIXIR Platform ExCo positions is still open and will close on Sun, 15 September.
Nominations can be submitted to Jerry ( until the closing date. Final Reminder! We are inviting suggestions for Keynote speakers at the ELIXIR All Hands meeting. Potential speakers should be recognised experts in a scientific field relevant to ELIXIR. Suggestions for speakers will be considered for the 2020 meeting in Amsterdam and for subsequent years.
Please send your ideas to Jerry ( by Fri, 20 September. Final Reminder! With EXCELERATE ending, we will no longer have monthly WPL TCs. The need to share updates with Platform and Community leads remains and therefore, the proposal is to continue with the monthly two-hour TCs (First Thursday of the month, 13:00-15:00 UK time, starting from 3 October).
Please find the proposal for these calls on Google Drive. We look forward to your comments by Fri, 19 September.
For information
List of relevant Horizon 2020 topics
The ELIXIR Hub has prepared a list of suggested Horizon 2020 topics that may be of interest to ELIXIR Nodes. If you plan to prepare any applications, please inform Andy (, so further advice and potential support can be provided.
Key dates and meetings
Heads of Nodes TC
- 5 December 2019 -- (10:00 - 13:00 (GMT) / 11:00 - 14:00 (CET))
Heads of Nodes TC
- 23 January 2020 -- (9:30 - 12:30 (GMT) / 10:30 - 13:30 (CET))
Heads of Nodes Retreat
- 6-7 May 2020 (Woking, UK)