For Action
Final Reminder! Feedback on ExCo nominees
With the closing of nominations for ELIXIR Platform ExCo positions on 28 February 2022, we received a total of five nominations for the currently open two positions:
- Compute Platform: one open position
- Training Platform: one open positions
Heads of Nodes are reminded to please provide feedback on the nominees.
Please return your feedback to Susanna Repo ( by Friday, 20 May, using this form.
For Information
Heads of Nodes Retreat
The annual ELIXIR Heads of Nodes Retreat took place this week in Prague, Czech Republic. Amongst others, Heads of Nodes received updates on Horizon Europe, ELIXIR Focus Groups and engaged in discussions regarding the ELIXIR 2024-28 Programme and the implementation of the 1+MG initiative. In addition, the Single Cell Omics and Systems Biology Community White Papers were agreed on by the Heads of Nodes Committee, thereby formalising their official establishment as ELIXIR Communities.
The meetings minutes are now being prepared and will be circulated via the Key Contributors Update once ready.
For questions about the meeting, please contact Jo Wingender (
Future Innovative Health Initiative topics
A list of the planned IHI topics due to open in summer has been published. For anyone interested in applying, an information and brokerage event is taking place in Brussels on 14 June.
For questions about the calls, please contact Andrew Smith (
Key Dates and Meetings
Heads of Nodes TC
14 September 2022 | 11:00-14:00 (CEST)
8 December 2022 | 11:00-14:00 (CET)
2 February 2023 | 11:00-14:00 (CET)