The update to ELIXIR Heads of Nodes is sent weekly on Friday afternoon. Training and Technical Coordinators are also copied in. Contact for any questions.
For information
Preparing the 2018 ELIXIR Work Plan
The timeline for preparing next year's Work Plan has been defined and provides details of the process. Platforms are asked to prepare their draft 2018 Work Plan by 24 May, to be then discussed at the HoN retreat 13-14 June. The final Work Plan must be sent to the ELIXIR Board by 1 October 2017, so that selected activities can be approved to be started 1 January 2018. The 2018 Work Plan will therefore need to be prepared at the same time as the HoN WG is looking into improving the process for the selection of Implementation Studies. We will ensure alignment with the WG and enable feedback from Platforms to the WG. There will be no 'open call' for Implementation Studies before the HoN retreat; instead each Platform will do a consultation of priorities for 2018 based on agreed roadmaps or as part of the roadmap development process. The recommendation prepared by the HoN WG for a new process for selecting Implementation Studies will be presented to the Heads of Nodes at the June retreat, along with the first draft of the 2018 Work Plan. The HoN will then agree on the next steps.
IMI and process to select ELIXIR participants
As discussed in previous HoN meetings, the ELIXIR Hub will be coordinating and leading a consortia to respond to the IMI Topic: FAIRification of IMI and EFPIA data. We expect this call to be released imminently, 16th April at the earliest.
ELIXIR Hub requests a short one-page proposal from each ELIXIR Node that is interested in partnering on this IMI project by Friday 23rd April.
The process required to review proposals from ELIXIR Nodes to this Call has been outlined. Serena Scollen will be PI so please send these proposals to her directly and contact her if you need more information.
Developing a request of proposals for integration of Node data resources
As approved by the Board, in this year's Work Plan we have allocated funds within the Data Platform to integrate data resources from ELIXIR Nodes. To ensure a transparent process driven by scientific excellence we will use the ELIXIR Board approved process for internal tendering (ELIXIR/2015/27.1) to select a small portfolio of Implementation Studies. This will allow us to test the process for Commissioned Services, as defined by the ELIXIR Board and feed into the discussions of the HoN WG, too.
We will now develop the request for proposals and will bring it to the HoN for approval at the HoN retreat in June. We then expect to open the request for proposals in Q3/2017. The ELIXIR Data Platform Coordinator, Rachel Drysdale, is coordinating this project and can be contacted for further information.
HoN Working Group f-2-f meeting date
The HoN working group to develop ELIXIR's scientific planning and internal oversight processes will meet 2 May, 2017, at Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam. For more information, please contact
The general report issued by the ELIXIR SAB following its meeting held alongside the ELIXIR All Hands in March can now be found on Google Drive.
Reports on the ELIXIR Node Applications presented for review at the meeting have been sent to the relevant Heads of Nodes for their information.
ELIXIR presence at ISMB 2017
We are considering taking out a track at the ECCB/ISMB conference to be held in Prague, 21-25 July 2017 to present the ELIXIR Platforms and Use Cases (like the Tuesday of the All Hands). We would welcome your thoughts on this. Please also let us know if you already plan to attend the conference and so would be available to give a presentation.
Key dates and meetings
ELIXIR-EXCELERATE midterm review
- 10 May 2017, Brussels, Belgium
ELIXIR Europe conference: Core Resources for a Data Economy
- 11 May 2017, Brussels, Belgium
Heads of Node retreat
- 13 - 14 June 2017, Woking, UK
Heads of Node meeting (to review the 2018 Work Plan and Budget)
- 13 September 2017, Basel, Switzerland
Heads of Node TC
- 5 December 2017, 13.00 - 16.00 UK time/14.00 - 17.00 CET