The update to ELIXIR Heads of Nodes is sent weekly on Friday afternoon. Training and Technical Coordinators are also copied in. Contact for any questions.
Action required
Within ELIXIR-EXCELERATE WP10 we are currently providing capacity building in the areas of Genome Annotation and Assembly and Data Nodes Network. One part of the WP10 work is to identify future putative areas of capacity building, where specialised support across ELIXIR Nodes is needed. Please answer three questions by 1 June 2017, we will discuss this topic further at the HoN retreat on 13-14 June.
For information
HoN Working Group to develop ELIXIR processes
The HoN working group established to develop selected ELIXIR processes will have its next TC on 19 May at 12-13.00 CEST. The agenda of the TC will be shared with the WG members next week. The purpose of this call is to review the first draft of recommendations developed from outcomes of the f-2-f meeting that took place May 2nd. For more information, please contact
The ELIXIR-EXCELERATE Mid-term review meeting took place on Wednesday this week in Brussels. We will receive the final report in a few weeks' time, but the preliminary feedback Niklas and Juan received after the meeting was very positive. Big thanks to all of you for your contribution and effort!
Registration for ELIXIR HoNs Retreat, June 2017
Registration is now open for the ELIXIR HoNs retreat taking place 13-14 June 2017 in Woking, UK. Registration and further details can be found here. ELIXIR HoNs are asked to please register by Monday 29 May at the latest.
ELIXIR Platform Leaders are also expected to attend this meeting which will include discussion around plans for the next ELIXIR Scientific Programme. A full agenda will be made available in due course.
Developing the 2019-23 ELIXIR Scientific Programme
We have initiated the development of the next five-year ELIXIR Scientific Programme (2019-2023). The timeline for programme development and review is available on the Google drive. The next Programme will be agreed with the ELIXIR HoN committee, reviewed by the ELIXIR SAB and approved by the ELIXIR Board in 2018, before starting in January 2019.
The five Platform Ex-Co's and Serena Scollen (for the Human genomics and translational data areas) have been sent a slide template to consider priorities for the next Programme. Based on responses from the Platforms by 24 May, the ELIXIR Hub will prepare a discussion topic for the HoN retreat to initiate planning of the Programme. This discussion will include development of our high level goals - the vision for ELIXIR in 2023.
The Marine Metagenomics and Plant Sciences Use Cases have not yet been asked to propose priorities for the next Programme. The current Use Cases have prepared extensive reports for the EXCELERATE mid-term review, while two proposals for possible new Use Cases (Proteomics and Metabolomics) will be discussed at the HoN retreat. Based on these discussions, and agreement on principles for selecting Use Cases, the decisions on specific Use Cases to be included in the next Programme will be taken after summer, at which point they will be asked to prepare a case proposal.
In the selection of Use Cases for the next Programme we will use the recommendations to be prepared by the HoN Working Group to develop ELIXIR's scientific planning and internal oversight processes. These recommendations will be discussed and agreed at the HoN retreat in June. The HoN WG is also looking into a recommendation that ensures broad community consultation in preparation of the next Programme. After the June HoN retreat, we will communicate further plans for this.
Key dates and meetings
- 13 - 14 June 2017, Woking, UK
Heads of Node meeting (to review the 2018 Work Plan and Budget)
- 13 September 2017, Basel, Switzerland
Heads of Node TC
- 5 December 2017, 13.00 - 16.00 UK time/14.00 - 17.00 CET