Key Contributors Update, 10 February 2023

For Action


HoN Written Procedure

Following the discussion at the Heads of Nodes TC on 2 February, we hereby share with Heads of Nodes the following document containing Project Plans for Commissioned Services by Written Procedure:

- ELIXIRHON/2023/3 - Project Plans for Commissioned Services

Heads of Nodes are kindly asked to review the document and send feedback to Ivana Ilijai Veri (ivana.versic [at] as soon as possible and latest by Friday, 24 February.

Expression of Interest (EoI) for ELIXIR CDR and EDD

As communicated to Heads of Nodes this week and as described in the 2022-2023 EDP Work Plan WP4.2, the ELIXIR Data Platform will initiate the fourth round of ELIXIR Core Data Resource and Deposition Database selection from February until December 2023. The Expression of Interest (EOI) step will open next week Monday, 13 February.

Please note the following important dates relating to participating in the 2023 CDR process:

  • 13 February 2023 - opening for Nodes to submit simple list of biodata resource names for EOI.

  • 13 March 2023 - closing date for Nodes to submit simple list of biodata resource names for EOI.

  • 13 March 2023 - opening for Node biodata resources to apply for CDR status via submission of case document template.

  • 24 April 2023 - closing for Node biodata resources to apply for CDR status via submission of case document template.

If Nodes intend to submit an application for any of their data resources to be included in the Core Data Resource or Deposition Database lists, please send your Node's EOI email message to core-resources [at] between 13 February and 13 March 2023, stating simply the name(s) of the data resources your Node will be submitting. Please recall that only data resources that are part of a Node Application and/or Node Service Delivery Plan (or, in the case of EMBL-EBI, the Work Programme) can be submitted as candidates.

For questions, please contact Gavin Farrell (gavin.farrell [at], Fabio Liberante (Fabio.liberante [at], or Peter Maccallum (peter.maccallum [at]

Expression of Interest (EoI) for ELIXIR RIR

The ELIXIR Interoperability Platform will open the process for the third round of Recommended Interoperability Resources (RIRs), as outlined in the 2022 - 2023 ELIXIR Interoperability Platform Task 1.2, on Monday, 13 February. The RIRs are resources that facilitate the FAIR-supporting activities in scientific research and form part of ELIXIRs key service collection.

Please note the following dates relating to the participation in the 2023 RIR process:

  • 13 February - 13 March 2023: RIR Expressions of Interest Call
  • 13 March - 24 April 2023: RIR Applications Call
  • 8 May - 19 June 2023: Review Period
  • September 2023: Review Committee Meeting (date TBC)
  • 7 December 2023: Agreement of new RIRs by ELIXIR HoN

If Nodes intend to submit an RIR application, please send your Node's expression of interest email to clare.garrard [at], between 13 February and 13 March with the subject line ELIXIR RIR expression of interest, stating the name of the FAIR-enabling resource(s) you would like to submit an application for.

Note that only resources that are part of a Node Application and/or Node Service Delivery Plan (or, in the case of EMBL-EBI, the Work Programme) can be submitted as candidates. Please see the RIR Selection Criteria document for more information.

For questions about the RIR process, please contact Clare Garrard (clare.garrard [at], Fabio Liberante (fabio.liberante [at]">fabio.liberante [at] or Peter Maccallum (peter.maccallum [at]

For Information

New ELIXIR standard slide deck

A new ELIXIR standard slide deck is available and will be shared in the Weekly Brief on Monday. It is also accessible from the ELIXIR templates link in the Key Resources section of the ELIXIR intranet homepage.
Feedback and suggestions are being collected until Friday, 7 April for the next version of the slide deck (due June 2023).

Comments on the template can be left in the feedback slide deck or emailed to Elaine Westwick (elaine.westwick [at]

Key Dates and Meetings

Heads of Nodes Retreat

10-11 May 2023 | (Prague, Czech Republic)

Heads of Nodes TC

14 September 2023 | 11:00-14:00 (CEST)

Heads of Nodes TC

7 December 2023 | 11:00-14:00 (CET)