Key Contributors update 10 August 2018

This update is sent weekly on Friday afternoon and goes to ELIXIR key stakeholders. It contains requests for actions regarding operations and developments within ELIXIR. Contact for any questions.

An ELIXIR HoNs shared folder including meeting materials from HoN meetings, reference documents, slides & graphics archive can be found on google drive.

For action


Final Reminder! ELIXIR Rare Diseases Community partner survey

The ELIXIR Rare Diseases Community is seeking to identify possible partners at the Node and group levels and has generated a brief survey to gather this information. This survey is open and we ask as many as are
interested to respond by Fri, 17 August. The team will work to collate this input and contact relevant parties in preparing the Rare Disease Community-lead Implementation Study application later this year.

If you have any questions, please contact Gary Saunders (

ELIXIR has created a draft document of our International Strategy, which is to be launched at the International Conference for Research Infrastructures (ICRI), held from 12-14 September 2018.

The Strategy is a live document, released on an annual basis. The main alterations to the 2017 version include:

(1) The restructuring of the Strategy around thematic areas for the benefit of readers who are not familiar with ELIXIR;

(2) The inclusion of a section on implementation actions;

We would like to invite you to provide comments, as well as input on omissions and inaccuracies that may be present in the document by Thu, 23 August.

If you have any questions, please contact Corinne Martin (

For information


On 3 August the European Commission announced that both the EJP RD and EU-STANDS4PM Horizon 2020 proposals were approved and thus the Grant Agreement preparation stage will now begin. ELIXIR will participate in both projects.

For information


ELIXIR has published a Request for Proposals for Community-led Implementation Studies in 2019. Applications must be submitted by the Community leadership and can be submitted between 31 August and 31 October 2018. Full details, including a timetable of the stages of the process, are included in the call documentation. An ELIXIR Webinar will be held on Wed, 5 September to answer questions on the application process.

The next Local EGA meeting will take place in Barcelona, Spain on Fri, 19 October 2018. This face-to-face meeting is aimed at a non-technical managerial audience and aims to discuss the following steps for the project. All interested ELIXIR Nodes are warmly invited to take part in the discussion and join the project. Please find more information and details on how to register for the meeting on the ELIXIR website.

Key dates and meetings

Heads of Nodes meeting @ ECCB 2018

  • 13 September 2018, Athens, Greece

ELIXIR Board meeting

  • 12-13 November 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia

ELIXIR 5th Anniversary event

  • 11 December 2018, Brussels, Belgium

Heads of Nodes meeting

  • 12 December 2018, Brussels, Belgium