Key Contributors Update 1 May 2015

Action items

Complete the ELIXIR Node Capacity Building Survey found here ( on google drive by next Wednesday 6th May.From last week's update:*Let us know if you have any comments on the minutes from the ELIXIR Heads of Nodes meeting at the all-hands ( or the operational model for ELIXIR proposed at the meeting, by end of today.

Ongoing activities

Report from ELIXIR all-hands meeting

The report from the ELIXIR all hands is now available here (…) .Feedback from the meeting will be used to help define priorities and deliverables for ELIXIR for remainder of 2015 and going into 2016.Thank you again to all of you who took part.The next meeting will be held 8 - 9 March 2016. The location for the meeting will be announced shortly.

Dates confirmed for ELIXIR-SAB/EXCELERATE kick off meeting

Following the approval of the ELIXIR EXCELERATE project, it has now been confirmed that the official EXCELERATE kick off meeting will be held in Cambridge, UK on Thursday 10th of December 2015, alongside the annual ELIXIR SAB meeting on 8th and 9th of December to which HoNs are also invited. Please save these dates in your diaries.

ELIXIR Node Capacity Building Survey

As part of the ongoing ELIXIR Capacity Building Pilot, HoNs are asked to complete a short ELIXIR Node Capacity Building Survey found here ( on google drive by next Wednesday 6th May.If you have any questions you are asked to please contact survey initiators Jiri Vondrasek ( , Brane Leskosek ( and Bengt Persson (

Job Vacancies at the ELIXIR Hub

The ELIXIR Hub is currently hiring two posts:* Project Manager (CORBEL)* Personal Assistant to the ELIXIR DirectorFull details of both posts are available on the ELIXIR vacancies page ( .

Job Vacancies at the ELIXIR Nodes

ELIXIR- Norway seeks temporary Systems Developer

The Computational Biology Unit at the University of Bergen (Part of ELIXIR-Norway) is seeking a temporary systems developer to play a central role in developing and deploying software in e-infrastructure projects they coordinate. The closing date is this Sunday 3rd of May 2015.More information can be found via the ELIXIR vacancies page ( .

Manager of Biomedical Service Development required by ELIXIR-Finland

ELIXIR Finland, CSC - IT Center for Science in Espoo, is seeking a Manager of Biomedical Service Development to lead a portfolio of CSC's service development projects related to Node.The closing date for applications is: Sunday 17th May 2015More information can be found via the ELIXIR vacancies page ( .

Reminder of Key Meetings/Dates

ELIXIR Finland launch event ( (4 May 15)

HoN teleconference (4 Jun 15, 09:00-12:00 BST, 10:00-13:00 CEST)

ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum event, Basel, Switzerland (9 June 15) (…)

ELIXIR Data and Software Carpentry Hackathon ( and Data Carpentry Workshop ( , Utrecht, The Netherlands (22nd-25th June 15)

HoN and EXCELERATE WP leads meeting (2-3 Sept 15)

ELIXIR Board meeting, Hinxton, Cambridge (22 - 23 Oct 15)

Symposium: Open bridges for life science data, Hinxton, UK (17-18 Nov 15) (…)

ELIXIR SAB/EXCELERATE kick off meeting, Cambridge, UK (8-10 Dec 2015)

ELIXIR all-hands, Location TBC (8-9 March 2016)

Information on upcoming TeCG meetings can be found here (…) .Information on upcoming TrCG meetings can be found here (…)