Strategic collaboration between ELIXIR and Euro-BioImaging

The strategic collaboration between ELIXIR, the European life science data infrastructure,  and Euro-BioImaging ERIC, the European research infrastructure for biological and biomedical imaging, has been renewed with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding.

ELIXIR and Euro-BioImaging share a common vision to use the wealth of knowledge derived from combining imaging data and biomolecular data to enable excellent interdisciplinary research across Europe and globally.

The two infrastructures agree to work together to:

  • Renew their strategy on connecting imaging datasets and biomolecular data
  • Establish links between bioinformatics and imaging research in the life sciences and strengthen the cooperation between European scientific research infrastructures
  • Support the alignment of activities in areas of mutual scientific and technical interest across shared Member States and EMBL

These activities will build on the shared development and promotion of community-driven solutions for data management, standardisation and interoperability. The interactions will also promote professional development, training and upskilling of research infrastructure staff and users to meet the future data requirements of scientific research.

The agreement contains further details on the collaborative activities, which include leveraging the potential of artificial intelligence, participating jointly in EU projects and initiatives, engaging policy makers and promoting the societal benefits of imaging and biodata integration.

Tim Hubbard, ELIXIR Director, said, "We are delighted to formalise our collaboration with Euro-BioImaging, building on our strong and productive partnership. Together, we will continue to align our efforts to integrate imaging and biomolecular data, further developing the resources and expertise which underpin data-driven life science research in Europe and globally."

Euro-BioImaging Director General John Eriksson says, “We are very happy to renew our strategic collaboration with ELIXIR to work closely on rapidly developing technologies, including spatial-omics and AI, enabling basic and translational research. Together we aim to provide cutting-edge services, support policy and strengthen the European and global life science data landscape.” 

"This agreement will formalise and bolster our continued successful collaboration with ELIXIR,” adds Euro-BioImaging Bio-Hub Director Antje Keppler. "We look forward to more regular exchanges between our two organisations to enable excellent science, as well as mutual support.”

Tim Hubbard, ELIXIR Director and John Eriksson, Euro-BioImaging Director General

John Eriksson, Euro-BioImaging Director General (right) and Tim Hubbard, ELIXIR Director

ELIXIR is an intergovernmental organisation that brings together life science data resources across 21 European countries and EMBL. ELIXIR is legally established as an international organisation, with headquarters in Hinxton, UK.

Euro-BioImaging is a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) that offers open access to biological and biomedical imaging technologies, training and data services across 41 Nodes, comprising 237 facilities, in 18 countries and EMBL.

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