ELIXIR's 2015 Annual report shows strong progress in implementation

ELIXIR Annual report cover

The ELIXIR 2015 Annual Report covers the major events and activities in 2015 and shows ELIXIR's progress against the priorities in its Scientific Programme 2014-2018.

Expanding service delivery

In 2015 ELIXIR entered a new phase of implementation, increasing its capacities and preparing for future growth: it established five technical platforms and four use cases as a framework for the delivery of services, and kicked-off the €19 million Horizon 2020 ELIXIR-EXCELERATE project. The project will boost the implementation of ELIXIR’s services and better coordinate the bioinformatics resources across ELIXIR Nodes.

ELIXIR’s growth

ELIXIR welcomed France, Spain and Belgium as new Members in 2015. A further two countries - Italy and Slovenia - completed their preparatory work in 2015 and joined ELIXIR in early 2016. Ireland became an Observer country and began the process of establishing its national Node.

Global collaboration

The year 2015 saw the first collaborations with the US Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) initiative, and a strengthened dialogue with bioinformatics communities in Australia and Canada. ELIXIR's international position was recognised by the G7's Group of Senior Officials, which categorised ELIXIR as an infrastructure of global potential.

As ELIXIR enters the second half of the five-year programing cycle, the priorities remain consistent: to provide effective services to life-science researchers and bring these together into a coordinated, stable infrastructure across Europe.

ELIXIR Annual Report 2015: download | read online
