ELIXIR Board meeting: 2017 Spring session

The ELIXIR Board held it's seventh meeting last week on 24-25 April in Utrecht, the Netherlands. The main points discussed included the updated Work Plan and Budget for the ELIXIR Hub in 2017, the 2017 Annual Report, principles for ELIXIR Membership for non-ESFRI countries, and nomination procedure for electing new Scientific Advisory Board Members.

The ELIXIR Board also approved the ELIXIR Node Application for Germany, the Collaboration Agreements of Italy, Luxembourg and the UK, and the Service Delivery Plan for Luxembourg. The members of ELIXIR Board were also presented overview of the activities of ELIXIR's Platform and Use Cases, and a report from the ELIXIR Scientific Advisory Board.

ELIXIR Nodes Applications and Collaboration Agreements 

The ELIXIR Board approved the ELIXIR Node Application of Germany, which will now develop Collaboration Agreement with the ELIXIR Hub. In total, Node Applications of 19 ELIXIR Members have been approved, the Node Applications of Hungary and Ireland are expected to be reviewed during 2017 and 2018. The approval of the Collaboration Agreements for Italy, Luxembourg, and the UK will allow these three countries to receive funding from the ELIXIR Hub for carrying out Implementation Studies. 

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