Celebrating three years of the Data Stewardship Wizard

Data Stewardship Logo The Data Stewardship Wizard (DSW) resource has recently celebrated its third anniversary since the first v1.0 release. Initially conceived through a mind-map of data management topics, a questionnaire system and a collaboration between ELIXIR Netherlands and ELIXIR Czech Republic, the DSW has now flourished into an interactive web-tool to help scientists and researchers manage their data in an accessible and user-friendly way. 

In the past year, the DSW team has grown and developed a new community-led approach, developed a new service to support industry, provided specific support for COVID-19 data and been integrated into the ELIXIR-CONVERGE Research Data Management toolkit (RDMkit). 

The DSW is primarily funded through ELIXIR, the ELIXIR Czech Republic Node, and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic and has been adopted as a standard data management resource by several academic institutions across Europe as well as being used in international initiatives such as the Research Data Alliance and numerous companies.

Read more about the journey of the DSW in their news release: The DSW Story
