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Tutorials for instructors using Galaxy

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. 

Web portals

ELIXIR supports and contributes to websites that allow you to find the software, training, standards and other resources that you need.

Find the right databases, standards and policies

  • Guidance icon
    ELIXIR Deposition Databases are the databases that ELIXIR recommends for you to store your open life science data.
  • Services icon allows you to search for databases and data policies by aspects such as domain, species and country.

Find the right software tools and workflows

  • logo helps you find and select bionformatics software and connect it in workflows.
  • Biocontainers logo
    Search a repository of containerised software that you can build into workflows.
  • Workflow Hub logo
    A registry for sharing and publishing scientific computational workflows.

Make your resources easier to find and share

Find training courses and materials

  • TeSS logo
    Search for training courses, webinars, training materials and workflows in TeSS, ELIXIR's training portal.
Zoom guidelines and best practice

This page is a quick summary of how to get the best from Zoom including: 

How to join a Zoom Call

The Host will circulate a link for each meeting (including password) in advance. For security reasons please do not circulate these details via social media. 

  • Clicking the circulated link will offer to install the decktop client.
    • Either follow the instructions (Recommended) 
    • Or close the pop-up window and choose "Join using Browser" (limited functionality) 
  • Only install the Zoom desktop client from the website or for mobile devices use Google Play or Apple App Store.
  • You do not need to have a Zoom account unless the Host has made this a requirement. (As a host, this is a security option but it is the least effective approach and generally not advised.) 
  • Please note: Safari, Opera and older versions of Firefox do not support all aspects of Zoom

As with any ELIXIR online event, the Code of Conduct will apply. 

Zoom Settings

Settings can be adjusted at various levels: 

Desktop client (Click the settings cog, top-right corner of the decktop client.) 

  • Determines how Zoom will function on your computer and how others will see you. 
  • General details: Your name, profile picture, microphone, speakers, virtual background etc.
  • Preferences, eg. When a speaker shares their screen this will automatically jump to full screen. This can be turned off under Settings -> Screensharing
  • Changing these settings with a call running will not cause it to close. 

Recommended Account settings

These settings will help calls to run more smoothly:

  • Allow Co-Host (gives other attendee/s controls to support the Host) 
  • Allow participants to join before Host (5 minutes, 10 minutes or open. Useful but be careful if the link is widely circulated although you will be notified when the first person joins.) 
  • Auto-save Chat (downloads the file after every call, useful but can become annoying) 

Other software

Zoom integrates with a significant number of apps, for example: 

  • Mentimeter
  • Slack 

Most of these require permission from the Account Administrator to link to a Hub account (For ELIXIR account please contact Phyllida or David) 

Other hardware

Setting up Owl Camera and small microphones (linked together) Details 

Presenter Guidelines

Sharing a slide deck: 

  • Open the slidedeck (not Presenting) 
  • Click Screen Share (bottom of the screen, green button) 
  • Opens a new window - either share whole Display or the software window (recommended) 
  • Select the appropriate window, double-click 
  • The Zoom window will change, the screen you are presenting will have a green border. 
  • Present the slides

Running the slide deck centrally:

  • A coordinator presents the slides as above and allows the speaker Remote Control
  • Move the mouse towards the top of the screen, a menu appears, choose "Remote Control" 
  • Select the recepient from the drop down menu
  • Allow 10 seconds for the connection to complete

However the meeting will be run, it is advisable to test the approach beforehand. 

Some laptops may require a change to the settings before screen sharing or remote control. 

Alternatively the Host can allow multiple people to share their screen, when the first is removed the second one appears. (Use "up-arrow" to the left of Screenshare button) 


Calls can be recorded to the cloud or on the local machine. Each zoom account has a limited cloud capacity, files should be downloaded and saved elsewhere. Any recording that is to be made available (eg. YouTube) must have consent from speakers.

Live Transcript (Closed Captions)  

To see the conversation as a text feed, either manually typed or automatically (relatively accurate): 

  • Activate "Closed Captions" settings on (Account holder)
  • Activate "Allow live transcription service..." and Save
  • Open the call
  • Menu Bar: CC (Live Transcript) 
  • Enable "Live Transcription"
  • Attendees will be notified and can opt to see this as subtitles or full transcript down the side, and save the text
  • Font size etc can be adjusted under Settings on the CC menu button. 

Zoom Companion and other AI Bots

Currently no AI tools are supported on the ELIXIR Zoom account.

AI Companion essentially records the Zoom call and processes it to produce a set of minutes or summary of the discussion. It is not clear where this recording exists or what happens to it afterwards, essentially ELIXIR looses control of the data. 

Breakout rooms 

To fascilitate smaller discussions on a particular topic as part of the same, ongoing Zoom call. 

Also for large events with parallel sessions (All Hands, BioHackathon). A single zoom link works for all participants, who then join the appropriate room. 

  • Activate Breakout Rooms setting in (Account holder, one-time change)
  • Open the call, the Host / Co-host set up the rooms via icon in Menu bar (icon is only visible to attendees when rooms are opened) 
  • Re-name the rooms as appropriate
  • Reccommend that attendees be allowed to select Breakout Room of choice
  • Be aware that not all attendees will be familiar, the Host can move people into a room

Customising Waiting Rooms

To add text or video for attendees while they are waiting to join the call. 

  • Log into
  • Under "Settings" find "Waiting Room" and choose “Customise Waiting Room” 
  • Opens a new window with a number of options: 
    1. Default screen (Title only [box in top left corner] limited to 80 characters) 
    2. Logo and Description (Add a picture and a more details of the event) 
    3. Video (limited size but still several minutes long, loops automatically) 
    4. Save to implement changes

The video can be as basic or complex as your skills and time allow, for a very simple version: 

  • Powerpoint slide deck
  • Export as video (.mov or .mp4) 
  • Time between slides controlled under "Transitions" (Set time: "After 2.0" and "Apply to All")
  • Can include sound (but not essential and it might become annoying) 

Allowing others access to account

  • Log in to
  • Settings -> Schedule Privilege (scroll to the very end) 
  • Schedule Privilege can only be granted to others on the ELIXIR account
  • Able to arrange, edit, open and host meetings
  • Notified of any activity (email) 

Set up a meeting in the normal way on
There is a drop-down menu on the left that shows which other accounts you can see and book meetings in. 

Every ELIXIR Zoom account should have at least one person with Schedule Privileges:

  • Backup host should you be unavailable (avoid the panic!)
  • Alternative zoom if another account is booked (eg. day-long event) 
  • Set up in advance so that it is in place for last minute / out of hours need 
  • Continuity of meetings after your 9 years are up


  • Press the spacebar to unmute (release it when you have finished speaking) 
  • A virtual background works best if your real background is relatively plain and dissimilar to your own clothing. (The software can identify you better) 
  • ELIXIR virtual backgrounds
  • Mirror Screen: gives a more natural look to your own image
  • Menu Bar -> Choose Virtual Background -> new window: option at the bottom. 
  • When screen-sharing a video click "Share Sound" (bottom left corner) 

Transfer an existing meeting to another account

When a colleague has left and the meeting is required for future calls: 

  1. Have scheduling privileges for the leaving account
  2. Find the meeting -> Edit
  3. 'Schedule For' drop down -> select destination account
  4. Save

Security and call etiquette

Note: From 30 May 2020 all Zoom calls using the desktop client or mobile app are encrypted.

For external calls a Housekeeping slide is available describing expected standards of behaviour for all attendees. (Variable criteria according to requirements) 

It is recomended where possible the Host should assign a Co-host to protect against potential connection issues. (If the Host connection is lost the call will continue)

A number of potential security issues have been circulated in the media which have been addressed by either software changes or by adopting certain measures. If you are aware of any concerns that are not covered below please contact us.  

Problem Details Mitigation

Malware (Trojan)

Fake copies of Zoom website that infect a mobile device when the software is installed.
  • Join the call via a browser  (details to be circulated) 
  • Install Zoom from the official sites 
    • Google Play 
    • Apple App Store
  • Malware was identified around 5 April and the app updated. You might need to delete and reinstall the app.

Uninvited participants

People find joining details though webpages or insecure email with the intention of disrupting the meeting. (‘Zoom Bombing’) 

  • Access to be password protected.
  • Admin support on all calls, able to remove and block non-participants.
  • All participants encouraged to identify themselves by name and institute.
Personal data on Facebook Zoom used to exchange certain information with Facebook (location, time, device). Software update 30 March: this relationship has stopped.
Routing security Concerns about the geographic location of hardware. (China retains the right to access any server on their territory.) Zoom desktop client now identifies the geographical location of the server hosting a call. 
Information scraping A link between the participant list and their email address allowed hackers to identify all Zoom users in an organisation. Software update 22 April:  a change within the servers, information is no longer linked.
Zoom recordings

Recorded calls could potentially be accessed by third party

  • Now password protected.
  • Any recordings to be onto local computer rather than Zoom servers.
Chat Unprofessional, disruptive or inappropriate comments. Behaviour will result in participant being removed and potentially blocked from future calls. Set expectations from the start (eg Housekeeping slide


See ‘Zoom Bombing’ above. Sharing will be limited to host and invited speakers only.